This book is a product of more than two years of collaborative research by African scholars. The book project was facilitated by the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition of Stellenbosch University and the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS). The book argues that African countries have unique leapfrogging opportunities to Wellbeing Economy that is inclusive, climate resilient and resource efficient provided that they invest on transformational infrastructure. It also presents the available tools and techniques, which African countries could utilise in their policy-making and planning processes. The book consists of the following chapters that deal with key themes and sectors related to the development of transformational infrastructure in Africa:
Chapter 1: Transformative leapfrogging to a wellbeing economy in Africa
Chapter 2: Ecological infrastructure as a basis for the African wellbeing economy
Chapter 3: Sustainable energy systems in Africa
Chapter 4: Inclusive and sustainable industrial development for Africa
Chapter 5: Sustainable urban development in Africa
Chapter 6: Life-cycle management for sustainable infrastructure planning and development in Africa
Chapter 7: Distributed renewable economy for Africa as a basis for wellbeing economy development
Chapter 8: Inclusive governance for sustainable development in Africa
Chapter 9: Indicators on transformational infrastructure for a wellbeing economy