The latest edition of Stellenbosch University’s (SU) multi-award winning publication Research at Stellenbosch University is now available. Produced annually by the Division for Research Development (DRD), Research at Stellenbosch University is regarded as one of SU’s flagship publications.

This is a special edition of innovative and interesting COVID-19 research at SU during 2020 and beyond that places the pandemic front and centre in studies across all academic disciplines. The CST’s Dr Hayley Clement’s work is featured on page 91 of the report.

Offering the national and international scientific community as well as other interested parties a comprehensive, yet accessible overview of such research, it features breakthroughs in medical explorations, highlights the important role SU immunology experts play in combatting the pandemic and looks at how biotechnology is being employed to overcome COVID-19-related challenges. It also includes research that tracks the socio-economic impact of the pandemic and emphasises how researchers and thinkers in the humanities responded to our current situation.

Over the past year and a half, the pandemic has caused so much devastation, personal tragedy and loss in lives and livelihoods globally. But regardless of lockdowns, isolation, and the adjustments we have had to make, researchers at SU rose to the occasion in spectacular fashion.

SU researchers also wrote many COVID-19-related editorials and opinion pieces. The DRD compiled a report with more than 50 of these contributions produced between March 2020 and February 2021.

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