Dr Glenda Eoyang returns to South Africa for two Adaptive Action Labs and HSDP Certification training.

Do you wonder how to apply complexity theory or systems thinking to your intractable problems? Human systems dynamics helps you leverage the power of complex systems to see, understand, and influence your most wicked problems.

What is a complex system and its role in Adaptive Action? Sarder Series is a video introduction to complex adaptive systems and how they name and tame wicked problems for individuals, teams, organizations, and communities.

You can learn more by joining Glenda Eoyang, founder of the Human Systems Dynamics Institute, live and in person here in South Africa:

Get more than the sum of the parts by attending both Adaptive Action Labs in Pretoria!

Find out more and register today!

  • Learn principles and tools to see, understand, and influence strategic and operational planning in times of ultimate uncertainty
  • Find a new, more sustainable, approach to all kinds of planning, including projects, strategy, operations, personal growth, and community development
  • Practice what you learn as you plan the future for yourself and your organization
  • Give and receive peer coaching to ensure that your learning is sustainable
  • Discover a network of people who also seek simplicity in complexity.

Your guide for these two-day Adaptive Action Labs will be Dr. Glenda Eoyang. Glenda is the founder of the field of HSD; leader of a world-wide network; and master teacher, researcher, and practitioner. In the program, you will:

  • Learn principles and practices to engage with emergent change in complex environments
  • Find a new and more agile approach to adapt to change for individuals, teams, organizations, and communities
  • Practice what you learn as you plan Adaptive Action in your own changing context
  • Give and receive peer coaching to ensure that your learning is sustainable
  • Discover a network of people who, like you, seek simplicity in complexity

Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) is a transdisciplinary field that draws theory from complex systems, nonlinear dynamics and practice to inform effective action across a wide range of human experience. HSD is applied to intractable issues, including strategic/operational planning, agile organisational development, corruption, conflict resolution, sustainability, pedagogy, conservation science, and mass migration.

When Glenda visited CST in July 2017 as part of our Anthropocene Dialogue Series events, she presented the Foundations, Discipline and Praxis of Human Systems Dynamics. 

Follow this link for the presentation slides

Follow this link for the video recording of the event

Dr Glenda Eoyang works with public and private organizations to help them thrive in the face of overwhelming complexity and uncertainty. She is a pioneer in the applications of complexity science to human systems, and she founded the field of human systems dynamics. Through the Human Systems Dynamics Institute, where she serves as founding executive director, Glenda uses her models and methods to help others see patterns in the chaos that surrounds them, understand the patterns in simple and powerful ways, and take practical steps to shift chaos toward coherence.

The HSD Associate Network includes 650 scholar-practitioners around the world.  They are certified to apply her principles of Adaptive Action and Pattern Logic in diverse sectors including education, health care, government, and philanthropy. Her work relates to human systems at all scales and contexts from individual health and wellness to performance evaluation and international patterns of corruption and conflict. Her recent clients include the Finnish Research Institute (VTT); US Environmental Protection Agency; British Columbia Ministry of Health, Canada; Oxfam International, UK; Yukon Territorial Government, Canada; Family Housing Fund; Catholic Charities of the Twin Cities; the McKnight Foundation; and the Association for Medical Education in Europe. For more information about HSD and Glenda click here.

Glenda’s latest book, with co-author Royce Holladay, is Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization (Stanford University Press, April 2013).


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