Inequality and the Biosphere: Achieving the Sustainable Development goals in an unequal world

Project meeting in wintery Stockholm
Project partners:
Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Stockholm Resilience Centre, University of Exeter, University of California,United States Forestry Service, Stanford University
Project period:
2020 to 2024
Project Description:
Reducing inequalities in society and maintaining healthy marine and terrestrial ecosystems are pivotal to achieving sustainable development, yet the interactions between these goals have been largely underexplored. Our project aims to identify synergies and trade-offs between reducing inequalities (SDG 10) and safeguarding the biosphere (SDGs 14 and 15). We will: 1) collect and synthesize data at different scales to identify patterns between different types of inequality and environmental indicators; 2) investigate critical processes through which inequalities in natural resource production and management systems enable or hinder the achievement of biosphere-related SDGs, as exemplified in the seafood and palm oil industries in Indonesia; and 3) concurrently engage with stakeholders in local communities in Indonesia, as well as governments, businesses, and NGOs from local to global levels, to identify practices that can harness win/win interactions between SDGs while minimizing trade-offs. This project will therefore not only contribute new data and scientific knowledge regarding the interactions between key SDGs, but also enable the application of this knowledge for transformative action at the local, regional, as well as global scale.
Project outputs: