Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SATIED): Energy Study

Project name:

Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SATIED): Energy Study

Project partners:

CST project members

  • Prof. Mark Swilling
  • Alboricah Rathupetsane

External project partners

  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) consortia
  • Development Bank of Southern Africa
  • National Treasury
  • National Planning Commission
  • Presidential Climate Commission





Development Bank of Southern Africa

Project period:

2023 - 2024

Project outputs:

  • A project inception report & literature review.
  • A working paper identifying generation, transmission and distribution investments required between now and 2050 to achieve carbon targets as specified in South Africa’s NDCs, NDP and the SDGs.
  • A paper on just energy transition pathway scenarios and socio-economic impacts for selected scenarios.
  • A climate mitigation pathway costing analysis and economic impact assessment consistent with achieving net zero carbon by 2050 using scenario-based modelling.
  • A commercialisation study for key mitigation technologies.
  • Various journal articles may result from the study overall.

Project Description

Transitioning to greener energy sources, as a part of wider decarbonisation effort aligned with global commitments, offers South Africa a chance to tackle both persistent and emerging environmental issues while also advancing its socio-economic development objectives. This transformation should prioritize the creation of sustainable livelihoods, quality employment opportunities, enhanced living standards, and the promotion of environmental well-being.

The research, led by the PwC consortium which includes energy modelers, will take investigate the investments are required between now and 2030 that will ensure that it will be possible to achieve the energy and carbon targets as specified in the National Development Plan (NDP), the PCC’s Just Energy Transition Framework, the Just Energy Transition Investment Plan, the South African NDC and the National Infrastructure Plan 2050.


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futures thinking

Finance and
resource flows

Political economy
and development