Dr Maike Hamann, Prof. Mark Swilling
Field of research
- Just Urban Transition
- Socio-technical and social-ecological imaginaries
- Africanfuturism or African science fiction
Merin Raju Jacob
Merin Jacob’s research examines the intersection between the African Urban Transition and the narratives that drive the transition, combining a love of cities with the allure of the power of storytelling. Merin’s project is grounded in images of the future, focusing on future African cities through the socio-technical and social-ecological imaginaries that are emerging from African science fiction (Africanfuturism). Merin is invested in expanding the frontiers of knowledge emerging from the African continent because, as the world becomes less predictable and more poly-cultured requiring creativity and agility to navigate, there is much more that the world can learn from Africa. Merin holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Future Studies which led her from design and engineering into complex systems.