
  • CST researchers invited to join the Club of Rome

    Professor Mark Swilling, Co-Director of the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (CST) and Dr Rika Preiser, Senior Researcher in Complexity Theory, in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, [...]

  • The world not headed for disaster, but for a sustainability revolution

    In the light of crises like climate change and the global corona pandemic, one would almost think the world is coming to an end. Wrong, writes Mark Swilling, academic director [...]

  • Systems Thinking & Sustainability Discussion

    On 6 April, Dr Rika Preiser, along with Prof Ray Ison and Dr Louis Klein took part in a panel discussion exploring Systems Thinking and Sustainability. 

  • New skills required to bring about an African food system transition

    In their paper “Learning for transitions: a niche perspective”, recently published in Ecology and Society, CST researchers Dr Luke Metelerkamp, Prof Oonsie Biggs and Dr Scott Drimie argue that by training the youth in new practices and approaches, they could be central to creating new systems and African futures that are more sustainable and just.

  • Love in the time of Corona

    I believe that love and empathy can indeed help us survive the wave of despair surging through society right now.

  • Covid-19: Economic impact on East and southern Africa

    The rate and global spread of infections by Covid-19 – and the related sense of panic across a globalised financial, political and social architecture – sets this particular pandemic apart from any other in modern times.

  • A positive view of the future(s)

    In the rapidly changing and uncertain world of the Anthropocene, positive visions of the future could play a crucial role in catalysing deep social-ecological transformations to help guide humanity towards more sustainable and equitable futures.

  • The principles which underlie quality knowledge co-production

    In a new paper in Nature Sustainability, authors (including Prof Oonsie Biggs and Prof Belinda Reyers) propose a set of four general principles that underlie high-quality knowledge co-production for sustainability research.

  • Perspectives on women in science

    In light of International Women’s Day some of the CST team share their reflections on the place of women in science.