
  • New study into state capture lifts the lid on SASSA

    The State Capacity Research Project today released a new report, How One Word Can Change The Game:  A Case Study Of State Capture And The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), which provides a rare detailed example of the mechanics and modus operandi of state capture.

  • Contributing towards Seedbeds of Transformation

    A team of academics from CST presented at the Seedbeds of Transformation: the Role of Science with Society and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa conference during May this year.

  • Signs of citizenship

    Public art, and the claiming of public spaces for social purposes by artist-activists, represents a key opportunity for social movements to engage broad and divided publics in the collective act of challenging state power. Why public art? Why street art? - The mainstream media is compromised and galleries are useless because South Africans can’t connect to them.

  • Transforming Development: The Science and Practice of Resilience Thinking MOOC

    Transforming Development - a new free online course focusing on resilience thinking for international development practice is launching 30 April. Created by the Stockholm University, the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition and SDG Academy.

  • Systems Thinking and Sustainable Agriculture

    What is a food system? What is the relationship between humans and food? These are some of the questions a group of Agriculture students embarked on getting answers to.

  • In Between: Photos and film on memory, migration, and resilience in South Africa

    Food brings people together. Regardless of age, race, ethnic & geographical origins, we all enjoy sitting together around a table with bounty to sustain and feed us. The fact that this is something common to all of us, young and old, in a world of so much diversity allows for food to be used for cultural dialogue and learning.

  • Dr Glenda Eoyang returns to SA for two Adaptive Action Labs and HSDP Certification training

    Do you wonder how to apply complexity theory or systems thinking to your intractable problems? You can learn more by joining Dr Glenda Eoyang, founder of the Human Systems Dynamics Institute, here in South Africa in March 2018. Adaptive Action Labs 19-23 March in Pretoria and HSDP Certification Training 26-28 March in Cape Town. 

  • Prof Mark Swilling to represent Stellenbosch University at Yale in 2018

    In conjunction with his selection as the 2018 Edward P. Bass Distinguished Visiting Environmental Scholar through the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies (YIBS), Prof Mark Swilling’s appointment as an Associate Research Scholar in the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies in 2018 was unanimously accepted by the YIBS Faculty Council.

  • Prof Oonsie Biggs appointed to the South African Global Change Science Committee

    Prof Biggs will be part of the Global Change Science Committee to conduct research that will provide the scientific basis for improving national, regional and broader international efforts to address global change.