
  • CST members appointed onto SA Systems Dynamics Chapter

    The fifth annual systems dynamics conference in South Africa was successfully hosted by the South Africa System Dynamics Chapter. During the conference, the new Policy Council members were selected, and four CST staff members now form part of the Council.

  • A river in distress

    Dr Charon Büchner-Marais, a CST Research Associate, worked with the third-year class of graphic arts students at SU to produce a number of stop-frame videos and a puppet model to produce visual elements that can act as agents of change.

  • Political obstacles to a mass renewable energy programme

    Prof Mark Swilling spoke about political obstacles to a mass renewable energy transition at a recent Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) gathering in Cape Town, which formed part of AIDC’s Million Climate Jobs Campaign.

  • Nourishing food crucial for health

    It's tragic that one in four South African children under three years experience stunting - reduced height for age, which is the result of poor nutrition and predisposes to later obesity, ill health, poor educational outcomes and poor earning potential.

  • People-driven initiative for cleaner cooking and improved women and child health in slum communities

    CST is assisting SDI with research in Accra, Kampala and Cape Town, with the help of the SenseMaker tool to gather qualitative data to maximize story-telling as a method for understanding community priorities, experiences and cooking preferences.

  • Weight of Cities, Experimentation and Transdisciplinarity

    A 12-minute talk linking together three bodies of recent work at the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition that will be published in the next 6-12 months.

  • Prof Mark Swilling participates in the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) Conference

    The Consortium’s key objective is to examine and expand on current innovation frames and approaches to assist in solving urgent social and economic issues.

  • SPL Researchers Participate in SU–Makerere University Outreach

    Suzanne Smit & Dr Jacquie Walubwa, uMAMA researchers working on a LIRA grant, visit Makerere University, Kampala from 4-9 September, 2017

  • The global food system still benefits the rich at the expense of the poor

    Understanding the food system as a complex system with interlinking social and ecological aspects is an important step that resilience thinking brings to the table of food system governance.