
  • Compost the box

    I recently spent a few weeks at the Lynedoch Eco Village in Stellenbosch. As I experienced the community ties, the infrastructure, and the environmentally friendly alternatives to building and living, I was in awe. Could this be the alternative to dilapidated mined out ghost towns?

  • It’s a jungle out there: Navigating the research ethics application process

    On behalf of the Departmental Ethics Screening Committee, Wendy McCallum recently presented an overview of the ethics application process, looking at why it is important, what it entails, and helpful hints. Reviewers have picked up some recurring issues in ethics applications and Wendy's presentation provides guidance on how to avoid them.

  • CST PGDip: Cultivating the capacity to respond to an increasingly uncertain world

    The Centre for Sustainability Transitions’ Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Development kicked off in February with a cohort of 45 students.

  • South Africa’s contested transition to energy democracy

    A collection of insights emerging from the national large-scale renewable energy programme.  

  • CST boasts 3 of SA’s 5 lead IPBES authors

    They are among five South African researchers who will be fulfilling coordinating lead author roles in these assessments.

  • How African knowledge systems could breathe new life into Western sustainability science solutions

    The colonisation of science that has been steadily taking place for about five centuries means that a whole body of work, in particular indigenous knowledge, has been omitted from the global knowledge library. This means that even though our global problems are diverse, the solutions being offered are mostly singular, viewed through a homogenisation lens that misrepresents reality.

  • Youth Nature Futures for Southern Africa

    To capture visions of nature-futures as imagined by youth from the Global South, the CST facilitated a series of online events in 2021 with youth organisations and networks operating in southern Africa.

  • POSITION OFFERED: Ad hoc assistant

    The Centre for Sustainability Transition occasionally requires an ad hoc assistant to help with the logistical arrangements for workshops, conferences, and large meetings.

  • Timeline of the Ukraine / Russian crisis

    SABC News interview with CST Researcher Dzinka Kachur.