Digital Donor Newsletter | Winter 2020

Why is 4 such a special number for us when it comes to campaigning?

Numerically, 4 is a highly composite number (that means it has more factors than any smaller number) and is the first composite number. It is also one of two highly composite numbers that make a perfect square (the other is 36). Four is a value of n and we like to take fundraising to the power of n.

Spiritually, the number 4 is a number of ’being’. It is the number that connects mind-body-spirit with the physical world of structure and organisation. Four symbolises the safety and security of home, the need for stability and strength on a solid foundation of values and beliefs.

Within our values at the University – equity, compassion, accountability, respect and excellence – we embrace 4 fundraising campaigns, because in texting <4 means ‘More than love (<3)’.

So now you know. <4 means ‘More than love (<3)’ and so we go about our campaigns – with greater compassion, greater respect, more equity, and with a great deal of love. Please join us!


This feisty and youthful Move4Food campaign punches way below the weight of an enormous, overbearing problem of social injustice, but it is a response to President Ramaphosa’s Thuma Mina (Send Me) call. As a response to his call, this has since 2018 drawn together our student community with staff, alumni and donors to open up an issue that is real on our and other campuses across the country. It represents the possibility of an immediate solution to a complex issue which our support and academic staff must jointly engage with in order to find solutions.

We welcome the involvement of alumni, friends and donors in this campaign that will continue into 2021.


The Maties for Maties Bursary Fund is – as the name suggests – about Maties giving back to student Maties. It gives you the opportunity to help a fellow student to succeed against ever-increasing odds. At some stage in life we all need a helping hand. You know how tough student life can be.

This fund has been active for almost a decade and is driven by the Stellenbosch University Student Council (SRC). The student leadership aims to contribute to the success of the students by raising funds from Maties for the benefit of Maties – bursaries, historic debt of graduandi, campaigns to register all have been some of the SRC efforts over recent years.

Various activities are conceptualised annually by the SRC to garner donations from Maties. We have a strong global network of engaged alumni and with your participation, that network will continue to expand.


#Action4Inclusion is a joint initiative of the Stellenbosch University SRC and the SU Law Faculty Trust Chair in Social Justice, Professor Thuli Madonsela. This initiative has also received the support of several student organisations on our campus, namely the South African Students Congress (SASCO), the Democratic Alliance Student Organisation (DASO), and the Economic Freedom Fighters Students Command (EFFSC).

The objectives of this initiative are two-fold: firstly, #Action4Inclusion is a national campaign of awareness-raising of the injustice of financial exclusion; and secondly, it is a way to raise funds, on an annual basis, towards assisting students who have been financially excluded, in an effort to do our part in solving this issue.

#Action4Inclusion calls for the collaborative effort of society and urges all to contribute to this initiative with the knowledge that all contributions are directed towards the realisation of the tertiary education for all students, the advancement of social justice, and the betterment of our society.

  • Your support of the #Move4Food campaign not only touches our students’ lives every day, it is a powerful and exemplary demonstration of your commitment to transforming the lives of young people and the future of our country. Click here to see how your donations have made a difference in the lives of our students.