Every bit you donate will help our students graduate with confidence. This is a small way of making a huge difference in their lives. Want to be part of something great? Support our cyclists and their cause today. Simply click on a name to donate.
Tax benefits of your donation
The Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK is a registered charity both in the United Kingdom and The Netherlands. Your donations to the above campaign may be declared against your annual income in both countries.
Sign up for our team in 2025
Do you want to be part of the team in 2025? The ride is on Sunday 14 September 2025.
Sign up now and get a head start on the fundraising for 2025.
Please register to ride by clicking HERE.
NB: Where it says Are you raising money for a charity, please select Yes.
Then on the next drop-down menu select I am riding for a charity not listed below.
Choose 07:00 as your starting time so that the entire team starts at the same time and cycles together.
Once you have registered, e-mail darrynh@sun.ac.za to confirm that you have signed up.
Your aim will be to raise £500 towards the UK-EU Bursary Fund. All cyclists who hit the £250 mark prior to the ride will receive a free Matie cycling top.