6. A Successful Student Becomes A Life-Long Learner

"Inspire-U-2" Modules to Enhance It => Apply It in Your Life!

"Inspire-U-2" Modules Linked to Strategy

 Successful students become Life-Long Learners, finding valuable lessons in nearly every experience they have. Struggling students tend to resist learning new ideas and
skills, often viewing learning as drudgery rather than mental play.

"Becoming a Life-Long Learner" is one of the eight characteristics / strategies of a successful student.  It has a number of facets. The following mind map lists four of the most important ones.

Becoming a Life-Long Learner

"Inspire-U-2" Modules for Strategy 6: Becoming a Life-Long Learner 


Centre for Business Intelligence,  Stellenbosch University, 12 Murray Street, Stellenbosch, South Africa

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