Huisfonsdans 2013

Huisfonsdans 2013 was something different this year. For starters, the venue changed to Tollies, a local club who catered for our pizza and drinks. The theme was “H-party” which meant everyone should dress as something/someone starting with the letter “H” (Yes, “H” for Harmonie). This theme brought out some interesting and creative outfits including Hobo’s, Hunters,  Hikers and even Hanepoot Grapes.The secondyears committee changed it up by using the signature dance glass for dessert instead of for drinks.

A big thanks goes out to the second years committee for daring to make the change. What a memorable night!

Huisfonsdans (1) Huisfonsdans (2) Huisfonsdans (3) Huisfonsdans (4)Huisfonsdans (5)  Huisfonsdans (6)