Massa Sêr Finals

“Some say they have the voices of angels, some say they can wake up Stellenbosch with their 6am practices, some say they can make a man’s knees weak with nothing but their serenading….but all we know for sure is that they’re going to Massa Sêr Finals 2015! Congratulations ladies…make us proud!

Sommige mense sê hulle het die stem van ‘n engel, sommige mense sê hulle kan die hele Stellenbosch wakker maak met hulle 6am oefeninge, ander mense sê hulle kan ‘n man se knieë lam maak met niks meer as hulle stemme….maar al wat ons verseker van hulle weet is dat hulle na die Massa Sêr Finaal 2015 gaan! Baie geluk dames…maak ons trots.” -Anina Visser