Save the date!Meer inligting sal binnekort volg./More information to follow shortly.Die reünie sal van 25-26 Julie 2015 duur./The reunion will last from the 25th until the 26th of July 2015. E-pos enige navrae na alumni.harmonie@gmail.acomEmail any enquries to Read more →
Thrift Shop
We are cleaning out our closets! What? Thrift shop with all unclaimed belongings When? Friday 20 February 13:00-14:00 How? We ask you to remove all your belongings from the store rooms by Thursday 19 February at 21:00 keep it in your room until 14:00 on Friday 20 February. (Everything that is left unclaimed will be removed and sold) Speak to… Read more →
Massa Sêr Finals
“Some say they have the voices of angels, some say they can wake up Stellenbosch with their 6am practices, some say they can make a man’s knees weak with nothing but their serenading….but all we know for sure is that they’re going to Massa Sêr Finals 2015! Congratulations ladies…make us proud! Sommige mense sê hulle het die stem van ‘n… Read more →
Maties in Murg en Been
Alumni Tab Update
Die inligting onder die Alumni tab is opgedateer. Alle inligting rakend die reünie is nou daaronder geplaas. The information under the Alumni tab has been updated. All information regarding the reunion can now be found here. Read more →
Reünie / Reunion
Volgende jaar is Harmonie 110 jaar oud. Om hierdie ou dame se lewe te vier met `n groot reunie, is vanselfsprekend. Meer besonderhede oor hierdie geleentheid sal volg. As daar enige voorstelle of navrae is, stuur gerus `n e-pos aan Next year Harmonie will be 110 years old. To celebrate the life and times of this old lady, a big… Read more →
Koshuisaansoeke/ res applications
Koshuisaansoeke is nou gesluit. 2015 Eerstejaars sal weet of hulle plek het deur op hulle mymaties-portaal te kyk. Applications for res are now closed. 2015 First years will know if they have place by visiting their mymaties portal. Read more →
Baie geluk Anina en Wiesie!!
Baie geluk aan ons nuwe prim, Wiesie van der Nest, en onderprim, Anina Visser! Read more →
HK 2014/2015
Baie geluk aan ons HK vir 2014/2015: Grace, Cecilia, Petra, Rachel, Misha, Lisa, Nelene, Wiesie en Anina! Read more →
Hoofmentor – Head Mentor 2015
Baie geluk aan Stacy, ons hoofmentor vir 2015! Congratulations to Stacy, our Head Mentor for 2015! Read more →