Our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of maternal and child healthcare by supporting the healthcare system. In order to do so, we develop the skills of the health workforce on an individual, organisational, and systems and policy level.

By applying educational and health theories, we train and mentor healthcare workers to develop, implement and evaluate programmes to improve the quality of their services.
S2S Programme Results Framework

Individual-level capacity building

When we train and mentor healthcare workers on an individual level, we focus on improving their skills according to specific, defined competencies and within the context of the organisation(s) in which they work. South to South trains not only clinical health professionals but all staff required to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate HIV/TB programmes. This includes managers, medical doctors, nurses, facility-based counsellors, community healthcare workers, pharmacy personnel and allied health professionals.
We provide the training through
- university-based short courses;
- district-based courses;
- on-site clinical systems mentoring; and
- distance-based mentoring support.
Capacity-Building Framework for Health Programmes

Organisational-level capacity building

At an organisational level, we help to strengthen the internal structures (for example administrative systems, project management, leadership, governance and staff capacity) in order to improve the organisation's ability to finance, plan, manage, implement and monitor programmes in both the short and longer term.

We provide this training by facilitating the Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative. This approach integrates many of the basic elements of traditional health programmes (including standards, training, job aids, equipment and supplies) with modern quality improvement elements such as team work, process analysis, monitoring of results and client satisfaction. The result is a dynamic learning system in which teams from different sites collaborate to share and adapt strategies for improving the quality and efficiency of health services in a targeted, technical area.
HCI Improvement Collaborative Model

Systems- and policy-level capacity building

Systems- and policy-level development improve the environment in which organisations and individuals function, including the structures that support the way in which organisations interact and policies and standards that must be adhered to. This includes setting standards, guidelines and requirements at the national level, including supportive policy and legal environments, and ensuring the implementation of policies and guidelines.

Systems below the national level also require expansion, such as systems of coordination and support, reporting, referrals and linkages at regional or local levels of service delivery. South to South provides systems- and policy-level development through expert support for dialogue forums and national and provincial structures that request technical assistance.
System Building Blocks

South to South Strategic Goals
South to South Strategic Goals
South to South Strategic Goals

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