Webinar invite


6 - Wild Policy recording

12:00 EAT

Exploring East Africa's Wildlife Economy - a six-part dialogue series

Please click here to register


In this dialogue we explore policy pathways for sustainable and legal wildlife use, such as the Global Biodiversity Framework's targets 5 and 7 and facilitating trade of CITES-listed species

Webinar recording

  • Mr Reinhard Nyandire
    Business Development Manager, Justdiggit
    AWEI Senior Advisor

in conversation with

  • Mr Ali Kaka
    IUCN Council Member for Africa
  • Mr Frederick Kwame Kumah
    Vice-President, Global Leadership
    African Wildlife Foundation
  • Ms Lucy Waruingi
    Executive Director
    African Conservation Centre
A 60-minute discussion on Thursday 20 June 
starting at 12 noon EAT
Welcome and topic setting by the facilitator
Opening remarks by the guest speakers
Facilitated discussion based on preprepared questions and inputs from the participants
Wrap up by the facilitator


More info

GBF objectives for the use of wild species

Global Biodiversity Framework

Sustainability objectives

Goal B – Nature’s contributions to people

  • Valued
  • Maintained
  • Enhanced

Target 5 – Use, harvesting, and trade of wild species

  • Sustainable
  • Safe
  • Legal
  • Preventing overexploitation
  • Minimizing impacts on non-target species and ecosystems
  • Reducing the risk of pathogen spillover
  • Applying the ecosystem approach
  • Respecting and protecting customary sustainable use

Target 9 – Management and use of wild species

  • Sustainable
  • Social benefits for people
  • Economic benefits for people
  • Environmental benefits for people
  • Enhancing biodiversity
  • Protecting and encouraging customary sustainable use

CITES objectives for the trade of wild species

  • Ensure that international trade in wild animals and plants is legal, sustainable, and traceable
  • Does not threaten the survival of the species in the wild

More info: