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Snare Mitigation Symposium

DFFE Environment House, Pretoria

South Africa

A pervasive threat to wildlife and the economy across South Africa is illegal hunting with snares. This inaugural two-day national Snare Mitigation Symposium will bring together leading experts, government, and stakeholders across the sector to examine the multifaceted aspects of the snaring crisis. Understanding the challenge and sharing experiences provides an opportunity to identify and create workable solutions together - before it’s too late!


Themes of the symposium include:

  • Understanding the dynamics
  • Human dimensions of snaring
  • Reporting, responding, evidence collection, snare patrolling, and
  • Technology and detection solutions
More info

Fees and Registration:

Early bird registration (before 12 July): ZAR 500
Normal registration: ZAR 750
Fees include lunches, tea, and coffee for the duration of the symposium and a wine reception with light refreshments on the first evening.


Scan the QR Code or register at: qkt.io/snaresymposium 
Limited places available.
Registration closes on 20 August 2024