Research Associate


Dr Michael Musgrave was born and raised in South Africa he brings a wide range of experience in business development, natural climate solutions, REDD+ and Sustainable Development. He has worked at every level in the Natural Climate Solutions industry and has on-the-ground experience in developing prefeasibility studies, project management, carbon MRV, analysing governance & policy and developing frameworks for REDD+ program assessment as well as strategy planning and implementation for some of Africa’s largest conservation organizations. After17 years in the carbon industry Michael has seen the birth and rebirth of the voluntary carbon space and has a wide network of contacts and a deep understanding of the complexity. He has worked in 26 African countries and has extensive experience in sub-Saharan Africa.

Michael currently is the Manger of Professional Development at the School of Wildlife Conservation, African Leadership University. 


Mike has been an AWEI associate for 3 years and participated and presented in the AWEI Colloquium in 2024. He has co-authored and AWEI brief with Dr Francis Vorhies, written short articles, and provided feedback on South Africa's draft Elephant Management strategy. 
