23 Jun 2022

In the past month, AWEI, in partnership with Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation (OGRC), held a series of dialogues exploring the opportunities for turning Zimbabwe's wildlife economy into a key sector for sustainable and inclusive economic growth.


If you weren't able to attend these events, you can now view the full recorded sessions here.

Dialogue 1 - Growing Zimbabwe’s Wild Food Market:

Wild food is a lens through which we can see the broad opportunities for improving Zimbabwe’s wildlife economy and conservation.

An insightful discussion on why the potential benefits of wild foods, in terms of both biodiversity conservation and economic development, are significant.

More information here.

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2 - Diversifying Zimbabwe’s Wildlife Economy:

An online discussion around the opportunities for turning Zimbabwe’s wildlife economy into a key sector for sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

More information here.

Dialogue 2

We welcome you to share your thoughts and questions on these topics. You can reach us at team@wildlifeeconomy.org.