AWEI E-learning journeys

We are developing a portfolio of e-learning journeys for practitioners and students. The AWEI learning journeys will eventually be offered through a 'cloud campus' providing an online space for learning and engaging on key topics relevant to Africa's wildlife economy. Our first courses:


Introduction to CITES

A 10-module self-paced induction course for South Africa's Scientific Authority and other stakeholders interested in ensuring that wildlife trade is sustainable.

Liberalising intra Africa trade in wild meat

A self-paced rapid short course on non-tariff barriers facing the trade in wild meat across the African continent.

What's next for Zimbabwe's wildlife economy?

A series of six dialogues exploring the challenges and opportunities to scale up a country's wildlife economy.

Can wildlife coexist with crops and livestock?

A series of five dialogues addressing ways in which wildlife can coexist with crop farming and livestock ranching.