• African Rhino Conservation - Interacting Influences

    African Rhino Conservation - Interacting Influences

    Conserving terrestrial megafauna presents distinct challenges to policymakers. Despite decades of evolving regulatory measures, wild rhinoceros populations remain threatened by illegal killing to acquire rhino horn, a valuable commodity in East Asian markets. In Africa, rhino conservation performance has varied with geography and over time. This research draws on institutional...

  • Comments on the draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy

    These comments are in response to a request for comments dated the 8th of March 2024 by the South African Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. The page numbers refer to the page numbers at the bottom of the document. We hope that our comments will contribute to strengthening...

  • Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy

    The South African Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment published the draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy on the 8th of March 2024 for public comments. AWEI submitted comments. The draft Strategy proposes four goals: Goal 1: Leveraging biodiversity-based features to scale inclusive ecotourism industry growth in seascapes and in...

  • The African Continental Free Trade Area: A tralac guide

    The AfCFTA Agreement is a comprehensive legal compact which includes the Agreement establishing the AfCFTA, Protocols on Trade in Goods, Trade in Services, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy. Recently, Digital Trade and Women and Youth have been added to the negotiating agenda.