The diverse socioeconomic contributions of wildlife ranching
The diverse socioeconomic contributions of wildlife ranching are increasingly recognized as a vital element of sustainable development, particularly in the context of South Africa. However, there remains a limited understanding of how different wildlife ranching business models impact local economies and conservation efforts. This research delves into these nuances by...
Conflict of Visions: Ideas shaping wildlife trade policies
The issue of wildlife trade is a major concern for the conservation of African megafauna, such as elephants, rhinos, and lions. International efforts to regulate this trade have faced significant challenges, leading to conflicts over wildlife trade policies across different countries and within the global framework of the Convention on...
Elephant in the Room - Why a trophy hunting ban would hurt conservation and development
“Trophy hunting, if well managed, conserves wild species and habitats and enhances livelihoods in rural communities.” - Dr Francis Vorhies, AWEI Director Summary The rationale for import prohibitions or restrictions is normally protectionism, e., protecting domestic industry from foreign competitors. The rationale for the prohibition on hunting trophy imports could...
Scaling up Africa’s elephant economy
Introduction African elephants have provided valuable products that have been traded across the world for thousands of years. As recently as the 1980s, elephant products such as ivory, hides, and meat were routinely traded in countries such as Kenya, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Small businesses in Bulawayo made wallets and...
African Rhino Conservation - Interacting Influences
Conserving terrestrial megafauna presents distinct challenges to policymakers. Despite decades of evolving regulatory measures, wild rhinoceros populations remain threatened by illegal killing to acquire rhino horn, a valuable commodity in East Asian markets. In Africa, rhino conservation performance has varied with geography and over time. This research draws on institutional...
AWEI Impact Report 2023
Comments on the draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy
These comments are in response to a request for comments dated the 8th of March 2024 by the South African Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. The page numbers refer to the page numbers at the bottom of the document. We hope that our comments will contribute to strengthening...
Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy
The South African Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment published the draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy on the 8th of March 2024 for public comments. AWEI submitted comments. The draft Strategy proposes four goals: Goal 1: Leveraging biodiversity-based features to scale inclusive ecotourism industry growth in seascapes and in...
Systematic review of the impact of restrictive wildlife trade measures on conservation of iconic species in southern Africa
Trade restrictions are often advocated and implemented as measures to protect wild species threatened by overexploitation. However, in some instances, their efficacy has been questioned, notably by governments in the southern African (SADC) region, which tend to favor a sustainable use approach to wildlife management. We conducted a systematic review...
Supporting business functions influencing the formalization of charcoal business in Tanzania
Charcoal business, production, and sustainability are all under the control of government regulations. In Tanzania, the entire charcoal value chain employs approximately two million people. As a result, there are unreliable records for registered actors, and it is difficult to accurately quantify the annual amount of charcoal production and revenue...
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In a complex and changing world, AWEI generates strategic ideas, conducts independent analysis on wildlife economies, and collaborates with global scholar-practitioners to provide training and expertise for biodiversity conservation, climate resilience, and inclusive economic opportunities in Africa.