- Bosc, C., Roets, F., Hui, C. & Pauw, A. (2018) Interactions among predators and plant specificity protect herbivores from top predators. Ecology, 99:1602-1609
- Broeckhoven, C., de Kock ,C. & Hui ,C. (2018) Sexual dimorphism in the dermal armour of girdled lizards (Squamata: Cordylinae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 125:30-36
- Broeckhoven, C., El Adak ,Y., Hui ,C., Van Damme ,R. & Stankowich ,T. (2018) On dangerous grounds: The evolution of body armour in cordyline lizards. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285:20180513
- Broeckhoven, C., Mouton, P.F.N. & Hui, C. (2018) Proximate causes of variation in dermal armour: insights from armadillo lizards. Oikos, 127:1449-1458
- Diedericks, G., Henriques, R., von der Heyden ,S., Weyl, O.L.F. & Hui, C. (2018) The ghost of introduction past: Spatial and temporal variability in the genetic diversity of invasive smallmouth bass. Evolutionary Applications, 11:1609-1629
- Diederick, G., Henriques, R., von der Heyden, S., Weyl, O.L.F. & Hui, C. (2018) Sleeping with the enemy: Introgressive hybridisation in two invasive centrarchids. Journal of Fish Biology, 93:405-410
- Gallien, L., Landi, P., Hui, C. & Richardson, D.M. (2018) Emergence of weak-intransitive competition through adaptive diversification and eco-evolutionary feedbacks. Journal of Ecology, 106:877-889
- Han, X.Z., Hui, C., Li, F. & Lin, M.X. (2018) Continuously stable strategy of pathogen evolution in a classic epidemiological SIR model. Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 54:517-524
- Hui, C., Landi, P., Minoarivelo, H.O. & Ramanantoanina, A. (2018) Ecological and Evolutionary Modelling. Springer Nature.
- Hui, C., Minoarivelo, H.O. & Landi, P. (2018) Modelling coevolution in ecological networks with adaptive dynamics. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41:8407-8422
- Hui, C., Vermeulen, W. & Durrheim, G. (2018) Quantifying multiple-site compositional turnover in an Afrotemperate forest using zeta diversity. Forest Ecosystems, 5:15
- Kunin, W.E., Harte, J., He, F., Hui, C., Jobe, R.T., Ostling, A., Polce, C., Šizling, A., Smith, A.B., Smith, K., Smart, S.M,. Storch, D., Tjørve, E., Ugland, K-I., Ulrich, W. & Varma, V. (2018) Upscaling biodiversity: Estimating the species-area relationship from small samples. Ecological Monographs, 88:170-187
- Landi, P., Minoarivelo, H.O., Brännström, Å., Hui, C. & Dieckmann, U. (2018) Complexity and stability of adaptive ecological networks: A survey of the theory in community ecology. In: Mensah P, Katerere D, Hachigonta S, Roodt A (eds) Systems Analysis Approach for Complex Global Challenges, pp209-248. Springer, Cham
- Landi, P., Minoarivelo, H.O., Brännström, Å., Hui, C. & Dieckmann, U. (2018) Complexity and stability of ecological networks: A review of the theory. Population Ecology, 60:319-345
- Landi, P., Vonesh, J. & Hui, C. (2018) Variability in life-history switch points across and within populations explained by Adaptive Dynamics. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15:20180371
- Latombe, G., Richardson, D.M., Pyšek, P., Kučera, T. & Hui, C. (2018) Drivers of species turnover of native and alien plants with different residence times vary with species commonness. Ecology, 99:2763-2775
- Lin, S.Y., Shao, L.J., Hui, C., Sandhu, H.S., Fan, T.T., Zhang, L., Li, F., Ding, Y.L. & Shi, P.J. (2018) The effect of temperature on the developmental rates of seedling emergence and leaf-unfolding in two dwarf bamboo species. Trees – Structure and Function, 32:751-763
- Lin, S.Y., Shao, L.J., Hui, C., Song, Y., Reddy, G.V.P., Gielis, J., Li, F., Ding, Y.L., Wei, Q. & Shi, P.J. (2018) Why does not the leaf weight-area allometry of bamboos follow the 3/2-power law? Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:583
- Liu, G., Hui, C., Chen, M., Pile, L.S., Wang, G.G., Wang, F. & Shi, P. (2018) Variation in individual biomass decreases faster than mean of biomass with density increasing. Journal of Forestry Research, 296:245-251
- MacFadyen, S., Zambatis, N., Van Teeffelen, A.J.A. & Hui, C. (2018) Long-term rainfall regression surfaces for the Kruger National Park South Africa: A spatio-temporal review of patterns from 1981-2015. International Journal of Climatology, 38:2506-2519
- Minoarivelo, H.O. & Hui, C. (2018) Alternative assembly processes from trait-mediated co-evolution in mutualistic communities. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 454:146-153
- Mohammed, M.M.A., Landi ,P., Minoarivelo, H.O. & Hui, C. (2018) Frugivory and seed dispersal: Extended bi-stable persistence and reduced clustering of plants. Ecological Modelling, 380:31-39
- Rodger, J.G., Landi, P. & Hui, C. (2018) Heterogeneity in local density allows a positive evolutionary relationship between self-fertilisation and dispersal. Evolution, 72:1784-1800
- Shi, P.J., Zhao, J., Song, Z.P., Liu, Y.H. & Hui, C. (2018) Spatial segregation facilitates the coexistence of tree species in temperate forests. Forests, 9:768
- Soufbaf, M., Fathipour, Y., Harvey, J.A. & Hui, C. (2018) Finish line plant-insect interactions mediated by insect feeding mode and plant interference: a case study of Brassica interactions with diamondback moth and turnip aphid. Insect Science, 25:690-702
Publications in 2018