Bridge the Gap enables SU’s student community, staff, alumni, parents, and friends to support students with the things that are making their lives undeniably difficult. The aim is to close the gap between talent and financial need, and to make an immediate, tangible difference in the lives of students.
The University is raising funds for several initiatives under the umbrella of Bridge the Gap. These include, #Move4Food, the Tygerberg Pantry Project, #Action4Inclusion, #GradMe, #Zim4Zim, End Period Poverty, #MatiesHaveDrive and Caught in the Middle.
On 27 March 2022, Robert van Staden and Francois Swart completed 657 kilometres and 16 900 meters of climbing over eight days in the gruelling Absa Cape Epic to raise about R 70 000 for #Move4Food.
Swart, a Facilities manager at SU, said it is not only about the money.
"The awareness that we created for the campaign on an international level is just as important. So many people during the eight days and the days before the event asked us about #Move4Food.
"This year's Epic was extreme and difficult, with about 35% of participants dropping out of the race. But knowing that this race is not just about myself, but that there is a bigger and better goal behind completing each stage successfully, was great motivation not to give up. We literally and figuratively gave everything to be successful for #Move4Food."
Van Staden, who is working in the Faculty of Education at SU, said although they had to endure difficult days during the race, it was nothing compared to what students go through who struggle to meet their basic needs.
"Like the Epic that is over eight days, you don’t need to survive for just one day like in a one-day race. Every day you need the necessary sustenance and what you take in today will affect your tomorrow. #Move4Food is similar, it provides nourishment over a period of time to a student that is running his race in the hope of completing it successfully. Even if I helped to improve the lives of just one or two students, it was absolutely worth it!"
Petro Mostert, an alumna and communications specialist at SU’s Operations and Finance Division, in turn took on the 990km joberg2C mountain bike adventure from 22 to 30 April 2022, across four provinces of South Africa, and through 220 private farms from Heidelberg to Scottburgh on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast.
Mostert said of the nine-day event: "Our first three days were mud, mud and more mud. Where the Free State is normally flat and easy to ride, we ended up having to almost push through mud just to finish. At times you would just stop, because your wheels could not turn in all the mud. You are dirty, tired, fed-up and just want to go home, but then you remember why you do this – not for your own ego, but to help students who really need a push to start their careers."
A team consisting of three Maties alumni, Tamaryn Larkman, Caroline de Villiers and Ryan Larkman, all three from Elgin, competed in the Adventure Race Croatia from 14 to 22 May 2022 to raise awareness for the Bridge the Gap campaign.
Speaking on behalf of her team, Larkman said: "Being able to participate in races like these to make a difference in the lives of students who have already come so far on their own, is extremely important to us."
She encourages all alumni to get on their bikes/feet/kayaks, whatever they prefer, in support of this initiative.
"It is so important for those of us who have made it through university to support the next generation of professionals. I encourage everyone to go and have a look at the incredible work that Bridge the Gap is doing – there are various projects on the go and all of them are critical to removing the obstacles students face."
Not to be outdone, on 13 March 2022, SU’s Rector and Vice-Chancellor Prof Wim De Villiers led a team of 32 alumni, staff, students and friends of the University in the 109 km Cape Town Cycle Tour to raise funds for #Move4Food. These alumni included Chris Norton, alumnus and owner of beerhouse and bistro, Casa Cerveza, in Stellenbosch and Prof Sadulla Karjiker, alumnus and professor in the Faculty of Law at SU.