Maties Hockey women show some steel in tough series

In the recent Summer Hockey Series held at Hartleyvale, Steinhoff Maties were well represented in the South African women’s team with Illse Davids, Hanli Hattingh, Erin Hunter, Quanita Bobbs and Jade Mayne flying the flag for Stellenbosch.

It was not only an important series of games against Belgium and Chile, but also a grueling series of eight matches back-to-back. According to Davids, who is one of the most experienced players in the SA team, it was a big test for body and mind. South Africa drew both the series against Belgium and Chile. Lots of youngsters and new players were given the opportunity to test themselves on an international stage. It was a good time for lessons to be learnt.

“During the series it taught many of the players to tackle each game with drive and determination. Playing eight games in such a short period of time, is tough both mentally and physically,” said Davids. “Playing so many games means that you need to be physically fit and through this grueling 14 day period. Your mentality gets tested. I learnt that as a player you need to have both of these important qualities to be at the top of your game.”

Sharing the field with her fellow Maties was a nice experience for Davids. “It was great to play with the likes of Quanita Bobby, Erin Hunter and Hanli Hattingh. Not only team-mates at Maties, but great players in general!”

Next up for the SA team is World League 3 in June. “The series was a great way for the new caps to gain experience as well as for our team to compete against good opposition. Belgium has come over the past three years and it was Chile’s first time in Cape Town. We drew both series. Our next tournament is world league 3 in June this year and we are all training hard to make that tournament a success.”

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