The Steinhoff Maties Hockey Camp is a key ingredient to the recipe that is followed to set the Stellenbosch University hockey club apart from the rest.
This year was the 33rd camp presented by the Steinhoff Maties Hockey Club. There were 24 teams from 13 schools at the camp. Some 50 members of the club were involved with the camp. Schools at the camp included Stellenbosch, Overberg, Hermanus, Sentraal and Glenwood House.
At the camp players from the various schools were divided into groups and they get a coach (a player from Maties). They get coaching in all the aspects of the game. The school coach of each team is also at the camp and they get specialised sessions from former national coaches Jenny King and Paul Revington. This is King’s 26th camp. She has been involved as player-coach and coach.
Maties’ Adene Bennett, Vida Ryan and Vidette Ryan have attended double figures hockey camps already. Bennett and Vidette have been part of 12 camps, while Vida has been involved in 11.
“To really understand it, you have to experience it,” said Vidette. “At this camp school players get the opportunity to be coached by players who just might be their heroes. We have various current and former national players and most of them are here at the camp.” Both Vida and Vidette have been at the Olympic and current national players Dylan Swanepoel, Pierre de Voux, Keenan Horne and Daniel Bell are coaching at the camp.
Vida added: “Every aspect of being a hockey player is addressed. The actual playing, attitude and also what will set you apart from the average players. This camp is such a big part of what the hockey club is all about.”
According to both Vida and Vidette the camp is also vital to the development of the player-coaches.