After a few years he stopped counting the matches and the goals, because playing for Steinhoff Maties hockey club is so much more than games and goals; it’s an experience that can be – and was for him – life changing.
“I will remember my time at Maties as a time of having fun with amazing people doing what we love; working hard together and pushing through any challenge,” said De Voux.
De Voux started playing for the Maroon Machine in 2004 and lost count along time ago of the amount of games he has played and how many goals he has scored as one of Maties’ most prolific strikers ever.
According to De Voux, who also plays for Western Province and South Africa, he has learnt much about hockey and life at his time at Maties. “There is actually to many to mention, but the ones that do stand out are: Relax and keep it simple on attack; Work harder than anyone else in defence and in life, don’t lose your ability to have fun!”
The Engineering student gladly encourages youngsters to come to Maties. “The hockey speaks for itself. The professionalism showed by players and coaches are as good as any club in the world. Another attraction that most won’t know about is the amazing people in the club.”
His best memories include scoring good and important goals in matches and in training. “My two favourite goals were the golden goal in the 2009 final of USSA and the more recent league winner at WPCC. And obviously the off the field memories will never be forgotten either.”
His final message to the teammates he leaves behind, De Voux had the following to say: “Good luck with the hockey. Keep our team culture going and of course stay as long as your life permits you to!”
De Voux in numbers
11 – seasons at Maties
5 – WPGC titles (2007, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015)
3 – USSA gold medals (2005, 2006, 2009)
2009 – Top goal-scorer
2012 – Maties Player of the Year
2013 – Maties Sportman van die Jaar
Maties se De Voux groet na 11 seisoene
Na ‘n paar seisoene het Pierre de Voux ophou tel in hoeveel wedstyde hy speel en hoeveel doele hy aanteken, want om vir die Steinhoff Maties hokkieklub te speel behels soveel meer as wedstryde en doele; dit is ‘n ervaring wat jou lewe kan verander…en dit het beslis syne verander.
“Ek sal my tyd by Maties onthou as ‘n tyd van pret saam met ongelooflike mense en doen waarvan ons hou. Ons het hard saamgewerk en ook baie uitdagings aangepak en oorkom,” het De Voux vertel.
De Voux het in 2004 vir die Maroen-masjien begin speel en lankal ophou doele en wedstryde tel. Hy is een van die voorste doelskieters ooit by Maties.
Volgens De Voux, wat ook vir die Westelike Provinsie en Suid-Afrika speel, het hy baie oor hokkie en die lewe geleer in sy tyd by Maties. “Daar is eintlik te veel om te noem, maar dit wat uitstaan is: Ontspan en hou dit eenvoudig op die aanval; Werk harder as enige iemand anders op die verdediging en in die lewe moet nie jou vermoë om pret te he verloor nie.”
Die Ingeneurstudent moedig jongelinge aan om beslis na Maties te kom. “Die hokkie praat vir ditself. Die professionalisme wat deur spelers en afrigters gewys word is gelyk aan enige ander klub in die wêreld. Dan is daar ook die feit dat daar ongelooflike mense by die klub is.”
Sy beste herinneringe is goeie en belangrike doele wat hy in wedstryde en oefeninge aangeteken het. “My twee gunsteling doele was die goue doel in die 2009 USSA-eindstryd en die meer onlangse liga-wendoel teen WPCC. En natuurlik sal dit wat weg van die veld gebeur het, nooit vergeet word.”
Sy finale boodskap aan sy spanmaats is: “Alles van die beste met die hokkie. Hou ons spankultuur lewendig en bly solank as wat jou lewe dit toelaat by Maties!”
De Voux in nommers
11 – Seisoene by Maties
5 – WPGC titels (2007, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015)
3 – USSA goue medaljes (2005, 2006, 2009)
2009 – Voorste doelskieter
2012 – Maties Speler van die Jaar
2013 – Maties Sportman van die Jaar