After five years at the Steinhoff Maties Hockey Club, Erin Hunter leaves with some gold medals, national colours and many memories of her time at what is according to her the best hockey club in the world.
Hunter is one of a few players that have played their last season at Maties this year. Others include Pierre de Voux, Illse Davids, Dave Agar, Brad Logan and Bronwyn Kretzmann.
In all five season (2011-2015) that Hunter was at Maties, the club won the Western Province Grand Challenge. “Of the five USSA tournaments that I have competed in for Maties, we have been in the final four times (2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015), winning gold in 2014. Two of those finals saw us, Maties, absolutely dominate the game of play but then narrowly lose in the 1-on-1 competitions at the end.”
Hunter has been nominated as Player of the Year in 2011 and 2014. “After tearing both of my quads at the beginning of 2014, I received the club award for ‘Crock of the Year’,” she added with a smile.
“My time at Maties will be remembered as the best time of my life. Maties has really become a part of who I am – my blood is maroon. The people I’ve met, the friendships I’ve made and the experiences I’ve had, all extend beyond the turf and will stay with me long after I leave. I joined the club to become a better hockey player and now I leave the club a better hockey player and richer (not in the money sense) person, with lifelong friendships and invaluable memories. I also managed to get an awesome boyfriend out of it, which is a great bonus too!”
For Hunter the biggest lesson she has learnt at Maties is that there is more to life than hockey. “I don’t mean that I don’t take hockey seriously or that it isn’t a big part of my life, I mean that I have learnt to value a lot more than just hockey. Without sounding too cliché, the Maties Hockey Club is a lot more than just a hockey club. Something else that I’ve learnt from my involvement in the club is that hard work and determination pays off. I came to the club a ‘no one’ hockey player and I now leave the club with a couple of caps for my country.”
And because of all the possibilities at Maties, Hunter wants to encourage those thinking of coming to Stellenbosch to not hesitate. “Maties Hockey club provides you with the training, facilities, coaching and friendships that no other club in the country can. I have a lot of friends who play for other clubs and other universities and not one of them compare to the Maties Hockey club.”
Maties were the first champions of the Varsity Hockey in 2013. “My best hockey memory at Maties would have to be winning this tournament. The event was very professional and after a terrible start on the first weekend, we managed to walk away champions and that feeling will never be forgotten.”
Halwe dekade by Maties kom tot einde vir Hunter
Na vyf jaar by die Steinhoff Maties Hokkieklub het Erin Hunter ‘n paar goue medaljes, nasionale kleure en baie herinneringe van haar tyd by wat sy as die beste hokkieklub in wêreld beskryf.
Hunter is een van ‘n paar spelers wat hul laaste seisoen vanjaar by Maties gespeel het. Ander is Pierre de Voux, Illse Davids, Dave Agar, Brad Logan en Bronwyn Kretzmann.
In haar vyf seisoene (2011-2015) by Maties, het die klub elke jaar die Westelike Provinsie se Groot Uitdaagliga gewen. “Van die vyf USSA-toernooie wat ek vir Maties gespeel het, het ons vier keer (2011, 2013, 2014 en 2015) in die eindstryd gespeel en goud in 2014 gewen. In twee van dié eindstryde het ons heeltemal oorheers, maar in die uitspeel-stryd verloor.”
Hunter is as Speler van die Jaar in 2011 en 2014 genomineer. “Ek het beide my bobeen-spiere in 2014 geskeur en het toe die klub se toekenning as ‘Krok van die Jaar’ gekry,” het sy met ‘n glimlag bygevoeg.
“My tyd by Maties sal onthou word as die beste tyd van my lewe. Maties is regtig ‘n deel van wie ek is – my bloed is maroen. Die mense wat ek ontmoet het, die vriendskappe wat ek gemaak het en die ervarings wat ek gehad het, sal ek altyd onthou. Ek het by die klub aangesluit om ‘n beter speler te word en nou verlaat ek die klub as ‘n speler wat my land verteentwoordig met lewenslange vriendskappe en waardevolle herinneringe. Ek het ook daarin geslaag om ‘n wonderlike kêrel uit my tyd by die klub te kry!”
Vir Hunter is die grootste les wat sy by Maties geleer het dat daar heelwat meer tot die lewe as hokkie is. “Sonder om dit soos ‘n cliché te laat klink, die Maties hokkieklub is meer as net ‘n hokkieklub. Iets anders wat ek geleer het uit my betrokkenheid in die klub is dat harde werk en deursettingsvermoë altyd beloon sal word.”
As gevolg van al die moontlikhede by Maties, wil Hunter aan diegene wat dit oorweeg om Stellenbosch toe te kom, aanmoedig om dit wel te doen. “Maties hokkieklub bied jou geriewe, afrigting en vriendskappe wat geen ander klub in die land kan nie. Ek het ‘n baie vriende wat by ander klubs en universiteite speel en nie een van hulle kan met die Maties vergelyk nie.”
Maties was die eerste kampioen van die Varsity Sports hokkietoernooi in 2013. “Dit is my beste herinnering van Maties. Die toernooi was baie professioneel en na ‘n swak begin op die eerste naweek, ons het daarin geslaag om aan die einde as kampioene weg te stap en daardie gevoel sal ek nooit vergeet nie.”