Rock-solid Le Roux leaves after 7 seasons

Goalkeeper Jacques le Roux is leaving Steinhoff Maties Hockey Club after seven seasons at what he describes as the best hockey setup in the country.

Le Roux is one of a few players that have played their last season at Maties this year. Others include Pierre de Voux, Illse Davids, Dave Agar, Erin Hunter and Bronwyn Kretzmann.

“I will remember my years at Maties as a time that started many lifelong friendships, great opportunities to play along side some of the best and then in recent years to lead and play a part in the early stages of some young up and coming players,” said Le Roux.

“I have learnt and see that you can do it all at Maties; res-life, hockey, academics, relationships, and now later down the line, my job, my marriage…you need to be wise how you juggle things and ultimately determine your priorities.”

According Le Roux youngsters should not think twice about coming to Maties and play hockey here. “This is undoubtedly the best hockey setup in the country and one of the best in the world I’m sure. The opportunities one receives here are incredible. The down to earth culture, the coaching, facilities and competition are brilliant.”

During his seven seasons at Maties Le Roux has shared some great memories with his teammates. “Beating Tuks in the USSA semi-finals of 2009 in a penalty shoot-out and then to go on to beat UJ in the final during extra-time, but most of all the experience of dropping a knee on the half way line after the game and giving God all the glory with Shaun McIntyre a great friend and teammate.”

He added: “I am also very proud of keeping a clean sheet in the Western Province Grand Challenge ‘final’ against WPCC.”

Le Roux’s final message: “Soak up the opportunities, trust the process, remember ‘We’re Coal-Miners!’ – hard working and selfless to the very end).”

photo credit: Terry February Photography

photo credit: Terry February Photography


Rotsvaste Le Roux verlaat Maties ná 7 seisoene

Ná sewe seisoene by wat die doelwagter Jacques le Roux as die beste hokkieklub in die beskryf, verlaat hy Steinhoff Maties Hokkieklub.

Le Roux is een van ‘n paar spelers wat hul laaste seisoen vanjaar by Maties gespeel het. Ander sluit in Pierre de Voux, Illse Davids, Dave Agar, Erin Hunter en Bronwyn Kretzmann.

“Ek sal my jare by Maties onthou as ‘n tyd wat baie lewenslange vriendskappe begin, groot geleenthede om saam met van die beste spelers in ‘n span te speel en dan in die laaste paar jare jong opkomende spelers te help in die begin fase van hul loopbaan,” het Le Roux vertel.

“Ek het geleer en sien dat jy dit alles kan doen by Maties; koshuis-lewe, hokkie, akademie, verhoudings.”

Volgens Le Roux hoef jongmense nie twee keer daaroor te dink oor of hulle na Maties toe moet kom of nie. “Dit is ongetwyfeld die beste hokkie sisteem in die land en een van die beste in die wêreld. Daarvan is ek seker. Die geleenthede wat hier gegee word, is ongelooflik. Die plat op die aarde kultuur, die afrigting, die geriewe en die kompetisie is briljant.”

Tydens sy sewe seisoene by Maties het Le Roux  ‘n paar groot herinneringe gedeel met sy spanmaats. “Die sege oor Tuks in die USSA-halfeindstryd van 2009 en dit opgevolg met die oorwinning in ekstratyd oor UJ, maar die beste van alles was om na die tyd op die halflyn op my knie te gaan en eer aan God te gee saam met my spanmaat en goeie vriend, Shaun McIntyre.”

Le Roux se laaste boodskap: “Maak werk van die geleenthede, vertrou die proses en onthou ‘Ons is steenkool-mynwerkers!”

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