Generation Inspiration – Rocco van Velden

Rocco and Wouter van Velden

You never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely look after it for the next generation.” This is the slogan of the watch company, Patek Philippe. It makes me think of Majuba, our house. Majuba owns you for a short while until you make room for the next generation’s residents.

My name is Rocco van Velden and 2020 is the first year at Majuba for my twin brother and I. We are the luckiest – second-generation Majubane.

Our family’s first generation were tokkelokke (preachers). My dad, Wouter van Velden, was in Majuba from 1989 – 1994 and his older brother, Ryk van Velden, from 1978 – 1982. My dad often spoke about his university days and living in Majuba. Later on, I realised that for him, Majuba is not just about memories, but also a time of true grace.

As second generation, we did not follow the tradition of preachers; our choice fell on maths and engineering. Even though COVID-19 cut short our stay to that of the first term, we made the realisation that this is more than just a place to stay. It’s an experience and a life journey. 

And enthusiastically, we’re looking after Majuba for the next generation. Majuba shapes you; at the same time, you help to shape Majuba. This way, in three years’ time, our younger brother and hopefully, someday, our sons, can share in Majuba’s legacy.

What a privilege that my brother and I can share this experience with our dad and uncle. Hopefully, the names of these Van Velden twins will also feature on the cupboard in the corner room of Haak en Steek!

In closing, they say you’ll be happy in any of the residences on campus. Probably true for men in other residences since they don’t have the opportunity to compare it with Majuba…