Impactful innovation is an interdisciplinary group effort. The challenge is to bring domain experts from different fields together to combine their expertise to solve the major challenges facing the agri-food and natural resource sector. At SAI, we bring researchers from different disciplines and sectors together to establish a community of practice and collaboration.

Problems faced by data-intensive researchers are often translatable across disciplines, but how do we learn from each other if we do not know each other? Or how do we bring the agricultural domain experts and the machine learning experts into the room when working on a project?


Several SAI community initiatives are currently underway, this include:

  • The SAI Datalab provides hot-desking and ideation spaces to our community members
  • Community events and newsletter
  • Discord server for online discussion and problem solving

Please visit us at the DataLab in the JS Marais Building or join our distribution list or discord server.

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