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4 - Wild Carbon recording

12:00 EAT

Exploring East Africa's Wildlife Economy - a six-part dialogue series

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In this dialogue we explore the management of wild plants, such as mangroves, for carbon sequestration.

Webinar recording

  • Mr Michael O'Brien-Onyeka
    Executive Vice President, Global Partnerships
    Nature for Justice

in conversation with

  • Mr Jerry Mang'ena
    Executive Director, Aqua-Farms Organization (AFO)

  • Ms Nkamunu Patita
    Co-Founder and Kenya Lead, Earthacre

  • Mr Derrick Muyodi
    CEO, Ceriops Environmental Organization
A 60-minute discussion on Thursday 06 June 
starting at 12 noon EAT
Welcome and topic setting by the facilitator
Opening remarks by the guest speakers
Facilitated discussion based on preprepared questions and responding to inputs from the participants
Wrap up by the facilitator
More info

Global Mangrove Alliance brief on mangrove law and policy

Mangroves have a high value, both economic and non-economic. They provide habitat for 341 threatened species, ranging from crustaceans to tigers, and support 600 billion young shrimp and fish and 100 billion crabs and bivalves. They provide billions of dollars worth of ecosystem services, including an estimated $65 billion in coastal protection, sequester 21 billion tons of CO2, and support over 4 million small-scale fishers as well as high-value commercial fisheries. Mangrove ecosystems can sequester four times as much carbon per hectare as terrestrial forests...

The carbon sequestered by ocean and coastal ecosystems, or blue carbon, is increasingly recognized as a key nature-based solution to global climate change. Blue carbon ecosystems like mangroves are among the most effective carbon sinks on the planet, and their degradation contributes to 19% of carbon emissions from global deforestation. This potential has created growing interest in blue carbon credits...

In 2021, Member States of the Nairobi Convention adopted Decision CP.10/12/2(d) to develop a WIO Regional Mangrove Vision and Regional Mangrove Action Plan (RMAP). A Regional Policy Advisory Group of the Western Indian Ocean Mangrove Network confirmed the vision: “A healthy and resilient mangrove ecosystem in the WIO region by 2050 for the benefit of people and nature”... The RMAP is scheduled to be completed, endorsed and adopted by Member States in 2024. It is expected to create a framework for regional policy dialogues around mangroves to enhance mangrove-related policies and sustainable management in the Western Indian Ocean.

More info: GMA-Policy-Brief_V6.pdf (