About Carla Van Greunen

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So far Carla Van Greunen has created 3 blog entries.

Juan gets his Masters in Sciences

The CGA team would like to congratulate our GIS analyst, Juan du Plessis, on obtaining his Masters in Sciences earlier this year. Under the watchful eye of Dr Zama Eric Mashimbye, he tackled his thesis: Machine Learning for Regional Modelling of Soil Depth in the Western Cape of South Africa. With this he set [...]

Juan gets his Masters in Sciences2024-06-26T08:59:40+02:00

Caley publishes on plantation forest mapping

The CGA team would like to congratulate our GIS analyst, Caley Higgs, for publishing an academic article. The article, entitled Signature Extension as a Machine Learning Strategy for Mapping Plantation Forest Genera with Sentinel-2 Imagery, was published in the Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment journal in Jaunary of 2024. Having completed her Masters [...]

Caley publishes on plantation forest mapping2024-05-30T11:59:09+02:00

Did you know about our short courses?

The CGA, together with Stellenbosch University, offers short courses in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Earth Observation (EO). The courses, which are part-time, online and accredited by Stellenbosch University, provide applicants with the skills to make their own maps, to acquire, capture, edit and manipulate spatial data and to run a variety of GIS [...]

Did you know about our short courses?2024-05-08T11:41:12+02:00
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