Stellenbosch University Japan Centre (SUJC) was launched on 11 August 2022. The launch ceremony, which took place at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, formalised long-standing partnerships in research and student and staff exchange between Stellenbosch University (SU) and academic institutions in Japan. For more than two decades SU academics have been part of collaborative networks with counterparts in Japan that helped produce new knowledge in a range of fields, including polymer science, viticulture, biology, engineering, and the humanities and social sciences. The creation of the Centre enables Stellenbosch University to leverage this substantial network and to develop further areas of cooperation. SUJC’s aim is thus to be a leading hub for academic, research and cultural exchange between South Africa and Japan, in this contributing to SU’s pursuit of academic excellence and the contribution of socially relevant knowledge.
There are four pillars to SUJC’s work. The first entails the facilitation of collaborative research between South African and Japanese academics in all fields of study. Activities include the promotion of the Japan-South Africa Science and Technology Agreement and the various funding and support schemes available to researchers under that; leveraging binational and international forums and networks to encourage joint research; and science communication.
Second, in the area of teaching, SUJC aims to develop and present Japan Studies content and programmes in partnership with higher education and statutory institutions in Japan. These include offering short courses on the Japanese economy, history and society, and Japanese language instruction.
Third, building on a number of institutional agreements with counterparts in Japan, SUJC fosters student and staff mobility exchanges between SU and universities there. There are currently mobility partnerships in place with prominent public and private Japanese universities that include Hiroshima, Kansai, Nagoya, Osaka, Sophia and Waseda Universities and the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Through joint membership in consortia such as the Global Alliance of Universities on Climate Change and the International Sustainable Campus Network, SU partners with others such as the University of Tokyo and Hokkaido University.
The fourth area of SUJC’s work relates to its goal to disseminate knowledge about Japan to specialist audiences and the general public in South Africa and beyond. As part of this, over the past year, SUCJ ran an online public lecture series in association with the Embassy of Japan in Pretoria. The series invited experts to discuss a range of Japan-related topics. These included contemporary geopolitical issues and Japan and Africa’s diplomatic and economic relations; Japanese and South African perspectives on addressing the gender gap in the employment market; and scientific advances in the combatting of infectious diseases and vaccine development. A popular two-part webinar focused on the production of Japanese Sake and South African wine and the markets for each in the respective countries. The online public lecture series drew attendance from various parts of the globe, suggesting there to be widespread interest in Japan-Africa affairs.
Other highlights of the year included SUCJ’s participation in the South Africa-Japan Universities Forum (SAJU) where the Centre presented its work; the on-campus hosting of an information session by the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET), a prestigious government scheme for foreign language teaching in Japan; and SUCJ’s participation in the 9th Japan Day, a showcasing of Japanese culture and society held in Cape Town in September, organised by the Office of the Consul of Japan and the city’s Japanese community. Lastly, building on its partnership with Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), SUJC hosted a TUFS briefing session on a curriculum development and exchange network for students in Africa and Japan. This network, the Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP), is jointly administered by TUFS and Kyoto University.
In early December, SUJC played host to one of the prominent scientists in Japan, Prof. Motoko Kotani, who in her capacity as science and technology (S&T) co-advisor to the Japan Minister of Foreign Affairs, delivered a talk about S&T policy and diplomacy and Japan’s wider international contribution in this field.
We thus wrap up the current academic year with a number of milestones. In 2023 we will build on the foundation laid by the work and activities of this year. Key among these will be the development of Japan Study course content in association with relevant academic departments. SUJC also plans to offer short-term, intensive lectures on Japan-related topics as part of the JICA Program for Japanese Studies. JICA is the international cooperation agency of Japan. In line with its objective to further academic collaboration, SUJC will disseminate information of joint research funding opportunities under major schemes, including among others Japan’s Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREP) and the bilateral National Research Foundation-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (NRF-JSPS) programmes. Lastly, the public lecture series will continue to be a focal point of activities bringing experts in conversation with each other and providing information about Japan to the SU community and wider publics.
Scarlett Cornelissen
また、South Africa-Japan Universities Forum(SAJU)に参加し、当センターの活動を紹介したほか、日本で外国語学指導するための日本政府の権威ある制度JETプログラムの説明会を学内で開催、9月にケープタウンで開催された日本領事事務所とケープタウンの日本人コミュニティが主催する日本文化と社会を紹介するイベント「第9回ジャパンデー」にSUJCとして参加した事などが今年のハイライトとなりました。最後に、東京外国語大学とのパートナーシップに基づき、SUJCはアフリカと日本の学生のためのカリキュラム開発と交流ネットワークに関する東京外国語大学説明会を開催しました。このネットワーク、「イノベーティブ・アフリカ」はアフリカのSDGsにおける人材育成のための教育ネットワークプログラム(IAfP)として、東京外国語大学と京都大学が共同で運営しています。
SUJCは12月初旬、日本の著名な科学者の一人で外務大臣次席科学技術顧問をされる小谷 元子教授を招き、科学技術政策と外交、この分野における日本の幅広い国際貢献についての講演を行いました。