SUJC Notice Board

Upcoming Events and Activities

Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Webinar

Sakura Science Exchange Program Online Event

“Sharing case studies of building strong and productive collaboration between Japan and African countries”

Tuesday July 23, 2024

10:00-12:00 (West Africa Time, GMT+1)
12:00-14:00 (East Africa Time, GMT+3)
18:00-20:00 (Japan Standard Time, GMT+9)

For further information and pre-registration:

SA-Japan (JSPS) Joint Research Mobility

Funding call for 2025-2026 now open

Africa-Japan Collaborative Research (AJ-CORE) on Environmental Research

4th Call for Proposals Now Open
Closing date: 30 August 2024

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowships

Current call for applications :

Japan Science and Technology Agency – Call for Research Proposals in 2024

Stellenbosch University is pleased to inform you that it will be hosting the upcoming 6th South Africa-Japan University Forum (SAJU 6), scheduled to take place on 27-29 August 2024. Under the theme “Fostering Sustainable Partnerships in Research, Innovation and Impact,” the Forum aims to address global challenges by exploring collaborative solutions. The three sub-themes include Health and Wellbeing, Social Justice and Development, and Systems and Technologies for the Future.
Background: The SAJU Forum serves as a collaborative platform between higher education institutions in South Africa and Japan. It aims to enhance mobility, joint research, exchange programmes, and cooperation among universities in both countries.
Format: SAJU 6 will feature academic presentations, panel discussions, and interactive networking sessions. It will be conducted in-person with selected live-streamed sessions.
Expected Participants: Researchers, academics, government representatives, private sector professionals, development and funding agencies are invited to participate.
Save the date for this significant event, and we look forward to your participation in fostering sustainable partnerships in research and innovation.

Visit the SAJU 6 Website for more information >

 拝啓 時下、ますますご清祥のこととお喜び申し上げます。日頃は格別のご協力を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。


 背景:SAJUフォーラムは、南アフリカおよび日本の高等教育機関間の協力を推進していくためのプラットフォームです。 大学間の機動性を高め、共同研究や交流プログラム、大学間の協力機会をより強化していくことを目的としています。

 開催形式:SAJU6では、学術講演、パネルディスカッション、ネットワーキングセッションを予定しています。 一部プログラムはライブストリームでも配信されますが、対面での実施となります。

 参加予定者: 研究者、学者、政府関係者、民間企業、開発機関やファンディングエージェンシーの参加を予定しています。


Visit the SAJU 6 Website for more information >