Current News SAJU6

Get Ready for the 6th South Africa-Japan University Forum (SAJU 6): Official Programme

Join us at the 6th South Africa-Japan University Forum (SAJU 6) from 27 to 29 August 2024 at Stellenbosch University!

This forum fosters collaboration between South African and Japanese universities, focusing on various themes and offering numerous opportunities for engagement and discussion. This year’s theme is “Fostering Sustainable Partnerships in Research, Innovation, and Impact.” SAJU 6 is a structured framework for collaboration between South African and Japanese higher education institutions. It aims to:  

  • Enhance the mobility of researchers and students.  
  • Boost joint R&D collaborations. 
  • Create exchange programmes among universities.  
  • Institutionalise cooperation between universities in both countries.  

Our Partners:

  • Embassy of Japan in South Africa 
  • Embassy of South Africa in Japan
  • Institute for Developing Economies-Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan
  • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
  • Kyoto University
  • Stellenbosch University
  • Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
  • Tsukuba University
  • Universities South Africa  (USAf)      

Programme Overview:

Plenary Sessions:

The SAJU 6 programme spans three engaging days and features a variety of activities, such as plenary sessions, thematic research presentations in breakout groups, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. A key feature of the programme is the plenary sessions, which will set the tone for the event, provide direction, and share important announcements.  

Opening Plenary Session

This session features opening remarks from Prof. Hester Klopper, Prof. Takahiro Morio, and representatives from the Embassy of Japan, MEXT, Universities South Africa, and the South African Department of Higher Education. These high-level speakers from South Africa and Japan will share insights to set the stage for the thematic discussions and the rest of the forum.  

Research Collaboration Plenary

The second session focuses on opportunities for research collaboration, bringing together representatives from various South African and Japanese research institutions. Key participants include:  

  • The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  • The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
  • The South African National Research Foundation (NRF)
  • The South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI)   

This session is a must-attend for academics, researchers, and students interested in research partnerships.  

4th JICA Chair Lecture

This is the third plenary session and the fourth JICA Chair lecture session at Stellenbosch University. The lectures for this session will focus on land rights in Japan, as well as strategies for structural transformation in African countries. Speakers include Professor Shinichi Takeuchi and Professor Motoki Takahashi. 

Closing Plenary Session

The final plenary session will include closing addresses, a conference review by rapporteurs, and reflections from key stakeholders. This session is important as it will focus on strategic directions for future research, collaborations, and policies, guiding attendees’ efforts beyond this year’s forum.  

Sharing Ideas and Building Relationships in Parallel Sessions and Discussions   

In addition to plenary sessions, the SAJU 6 programme includes multiple thematic parallel sessions throughout the conference. These sessions cover a broad range of topics, organized into presentations and panels focusing on themes such as health, social justice, technology, and education. In these breakout sessions, participants can discuss and share their research and network with peers.  

SAJU 6 Gala Evening  

One of the most exciting opportunities at SAJU 6 is the SAJU 6 Gala at Stellenbosch University’s Endler Hall. Building long-lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect involves getting to know and understand stakeholders. The gala will provide a chance for participants to build relationships, share cross-cultural experiences, and connect with various attendees. It also celebrates the achievements and milestones in the collaboration between South African and Japanese universities.  

With its packed schedule, SAJU 6 aims to provide participants with three days of meaningful discussions, relationship-building, new collaborations, and the continuation of past SAJU accomplishments. Additionally, it strives to foster ongoing knowledge and research collaborations between South African and Japanese institutions.  

Attending SAJU 6 is your opportunity to engage with academics, share research and ideas, and form part of collaborations between South African and Japanese universities.