
Registrations for the 2016 SoTL Conference will close tomorrow morning at 07:00!!!

Please click here to register.

ConfTool user guidelines

To register on the ConfTool website

  1. Click on:
  2. Click on ‘create account and submit contribution’.
  3. Complete the required fields and click on ‘create user account only’.
  4. You will receive an e-mail with your username and password.

To register for the conference

  1. Log in and click on Register as participant
  2. Follow the steps on screen
  • Step 1:  Check status and other information(click Proceed to Step 2)
  • Step 2:  select pre-conference workshops to attend, conference days and dietary requirements (click Proceed to Step 3)
  • Step 3:  check selections
  1. Click on: Register now
  2. You will receive an e-mail confirming your registration.


footerAs academic professionals, we value participation in scholarship, not because it is required or expected of us, but because it is a vital part of how we come to understand our world.
Jeffrey L. Buller, 2015. Change Leadership in Higher Education: A Practical Guide to Academic Transformation.