Scientific studies indicate that our happiness levels depend 50% on our genetics, 10% on our circumstances and 40% on our intentional activities. See the figure below.
According to these studies we are born with a pre-disposition to a certain level of happiness. Scientists call this the genetic set point, that is the level or point at which our state of happiness tends to stabilize, indifferent of what happens to us or what we do. This pre-disposition is determined by characteristics inherited from our parents, especially temperamental and affective traits.
Life circumstances that influence our happiness level include personal experiences, occupation, health, income, religious beliefs, marital status, age, gender and geographic factors. Our happiness levels depend only 10% on our circumstances.
The good news is that our intentional activities are responsible for 40% of our happiness levels. These include the cognitive, behavioral and volitional activities which we choose to do. They require effort.
Factors Influencing Happiness
Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside wrote a brilliant book with the title "The How of Happiness" within which she describes twelve happiness strategies that are backed by scientific research that can be used to increase our happiness happiness.
The premise of "The How of Happiness" is exacly what was spelled out above, namely that happiness is worth striving for, that 50 percent of a given human's happiness level is genetically determined (based on twin studies), that 10 percent is affected by life circumstances and situations, and that the remaining 40 percent of happiness is subject to self control. The strategies offered in the book are designed to target the 40 percent of happiness that is subject to manipulation. The following figure lists the twelve strategies. A short description of each follows therefafter - details can be found in the highly recommended "The How of Happiness".
Evidence-based Happiness Strategies
Strategy 1 - Expressing Gratitude: Counting your blessings for what you have (either to a close other or privately, through contemplation or a journal) or conveying your gratitude and appreciation to one or more individuals whom you have never properly thanked.
Strategy 2 - Cultivating Optimism: Keeping a journal in which you imagine and write about the best possible future for yourself or practising to look at the bright side of every situation.
Strategy 3 - Avoiding Overthinking and Social Comparison: Using strategies (such as distraction) to cut down on how often you dwell on your problems and compare yourself with others.
Strategy 4 - Practicing Acts of Kindness: Doing good things for others, whether friends or strangers, either directly or anonymously, either spontaneously or planned.
Strategy 5 - Nurturing Relationships: Picking a relationship in need of strengthening and investing time and energy in healing, cultivating, affirming, and enjoying it.
Strategy 6 - Developing Strategies for Coping: Practicing ways to endure or surmount a recent stress, hardship, or trauma.
Strategy 7 - Learning to Forgive: Keeping a journal or writing a letter in which you work on letting go of anger and resentment toward one or more individuals who have hurt or wronged you.
Strategy 8 - Doing More Activities that Truly Engage You: Increase the number experiences at home and work in which you "lose" yourself, which are challenging and absorbing (i.e. flow experiences).
Strategy 9 - Savoring Life's Joys: Paying close attention, taking delight, and replaying life's momentary pleasures, and wonders, through thinking, writing, drawing, or sharing with another.
Strategy 10 - Committing to Your Goals: Picking one, two or three significant goals that are meaningful to you and devoting time and effort to pursuing them.
Strategy 11 - Practicing Religion and Spirituality: Becoming more involved in your church, temple , or mosque or reading and pondering spiritually themed books.
Strategy 12 - Taking Care of Your Body: Engaging in physical activity, meditating, and smiling and laughing.
Get inspired to apply the twelve happiness strategies in your life by exploring the links below and from the menu above (12 Happiness Strategies), and by then applying the lessons from the corresponding "Inspire-U-2" modules in your life. Enjoy!