2401, 2018

2017 Highlights

By |Jan 24th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on 2017 Highlights

As we kick off another year, the CGA would like to wish all of their clients and collaborators a happy 2018! Last year was a busy one for the CGA, with the successful [...]

3011, 2017

Article in the WRC Water Wheel Magazine

By |Nov 30th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Article in the WRC Water Wheel Magazine

The mapping of irrigated agriculture from earth observation imagery, an outcome of the WRC-funded research project Wide-scale modelling of water use and water availability with earth observation/satellite imagery, was recently published in the [...]

2610, 2017

MESA receiving station is now operational

By |Oct 26th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on MESA receiving station is now operational

The CGA’s receiving station for MESA (Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa), is now operational! In the first week of September, Motlotlegi Pilane, a representative of MESA, visited the CGA to [...]

310, 2017

GISSA quarterly meeting

By |Oct 3rd, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on GISSA quarterly meeting

On the 20th of September five Students from Stellenbosch University presented their research and findings to the GIS community at the Western Cape GISSA quarterly meeting in Durbanville. Michael Johnson (MSc) – Extraction [...]

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