Already by the morning of 28 September 2022, exactly 50 students from Stellenbosch University had registered for the info session on the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme (JET). The JET programme is a Japanese government sponsored exchange programme that aims to improve foreign language teaching in schools and to promote international understanding. The info session was attended by students from across SU faculties.

Attendees were honored to be in the presence of Consul Nishimura. The presenters of the JET info session were energetic and kept their academic audience engaged throughout, important to note here, is Mr Michael Kirch who is a JET alumnus. Mr Kirch shared his experiences of being a JET teacher in a rural environment in Japan with the audience. He used the opportunity to dispel myths about living in Japan, to elaborate on the life-changing opportunity that being a JET teacher is, and to evoke excitement among prospective applicants. Many questions came from the audience regarding the application process. After the JET info session, the attendees were treated to light refreshments.

In appreciation of the events success the consul of Japan in Cape Town said: ‘We would like to extend our sincere note of thanks to you and the university for allowing us to present the JET briefing today. We appreciate all the efforts and arrangements made for us to make this briefing possible. We wish to continue this and build on this relationship for future collaborations.’
For more information download the JET information document
Photos from the Information Session