Blended Workshops


Our Approach

In his book "GRIT: The New Science of What it Takes to Persevere, Flourish and Succeed" Paul Stoltz utlizes a very innovative method to teach his reader, namely the Grok-Gauge-Grow model.  Although we have been in the student and personal development business long before Stoltz published his book in 2014, we have found his Grok-Gauge-Grow method a very catchy and appropriate way to desribe our approach.  We have added a tracking component and calls the approach we follow in our blended- and e- workshops the Grok-Gauge-Grow-Track methodology.  It is explained in a little more detail below.

Note: Grok means to understand something profoundly and intuitively. Grok goes beyond knowing and understanding, even remembering. According to Paul Stoltz it is like an infusion, a revelation and realization that changes you. It is the highest level of understanding.  The Grok-phase is very important because if it is done efficiently the transfer of knowledge and skills in the Grow-phase will also be more effective.

Our workshops are offered in two modes, namely a blended approach and a 100% online approach.  

Face-to-face workshop sessions are supported by enriching material online (Grok), online assessments (Gauge) and the online completion of activities and exercises (for homework given during face-to-face sessions) (Grow) in our blended approach. All assessments and journal activities and -exercises are recorded, archived and reported on a member's site (Track), and can be retrieved as long as somebody stays a member.  e-Workshop certification assessments and achievements are also tracked and reported. 

In the 100% online version the face-to-face workshop presentation is replaced by a multimedia presentation that may include video, audio and text in the form of downloadable pdf's (Grok).  The Gauge, Grow and Track phases remain more or less the same.  The only difference between the two modes therefore occurs during the Grok-phase.  

Our blended and 100% online modes are illustrated in the diagram below.

The main themes addressed by these workshops, and their target groups, are:

This page contains lists of topics for each of these themes.

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