Workshop Topics

PERMA-V, Wellness, @ Education, @ Sport & @ Work

PERMA-V Topics for Individuals and Groups

In "The How of Happiness" research psychologist and University of California professor of psychology Sonja Lyubomirsky spells out a detailed yet easy-to-follow plan to increase happiness in our day-to-day lives - in the short term and over the long term - and how to sustain it.  She proposes 12 evidence-based strategies that everybody can follow.  Her 12 strategies are depicted below.  They are a perfect fit for our PERMA-V model and consequently forms the basis of the our PERMA-V workshops for individuals and groups.  Because everybody should master these strategies they also form part of the majority of FlourishWell4Life memberships - master them all and you are well on your way to a flourishing life!

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Wellness Topics for Individuals and Groups

Each of our wellness workshops has a specific theme, and consists of four or five subthemes which are presented in separate sessions or sections.  Each of these sessions addresses a specific subtheme and follows the Grok-Gauge-Grow-Track model.  The following themes are covered by our wellness workshops:

  1. Accepting Diversity
  2. Addictions & Recovery
  3. Anger & Aggression
  4. Building Resilience
  5. CBT-like Self-help Skills
  6. Choices
  7. Communication Skills
  8. Conflict Management
  9. Coping with Anxiety
  10. Coping with Change
  11. Coping with Difficult People
  12. Coping with Loneliness
  13. Emotional Well-being
  14. Essential Work Skills
  15. Friendship
  16. Grief Work
  17. Intellectual Well-being
  18. Managing Moods
  19. Managing Unwanted Thoughts
  20. Personal and Intimate Relationships
  21. Physical Well-being
  22. Practical Life Skills
  23. Respect
  24. Safety
  25. Self-esteem
  26. Spiritual Paths
  27. Stress
  28. Study & Examination Skills
  29. Team Building
  30. Thinking Skills
  31. Wellness Life Style

FlourishWell4Life @ School / University

The mind map below lists 22 positive psychological factors that affect academic performace.  Each factor is backed up by scientific findings.  Blended Grok-Gauge-Grow-Track workshops are also being developed by FlourishWell4Life to address each of these factors.  The target groups of these workshops include both teachers/lectures/academic support staff and students at schools and universities.  The BeWell Mentor Wellness project at Stellenbosch University already utilized the e-workshop versions on wellness, and, grit and a growth mindset during 2015. Face-to-face workshops are also already been conducted on both these topics.

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Research findings about these positive psychological factors of academic performance can be viewed here.

FlourishWell4Life @ Sport & Life

Workshops aimed specifically at sports people should address at least peak performance factors from Sport Psychology and our PERMA-V-Based series of workshops (with an emphasis on applying the PERMA -V model to specific sports).  Cystal Wu wrote an excellent book with the title "Flourishing for Sports: Well-being of a Sportsman from Perspectives of Positive Psychology" that integrates the fields of Sport and Positive Psyhology and that supports our philosophy.   Amy Baltzell's "Living in the Sweet Spot: Preparing for Performace in Sport and Life" similarly emphasizes this approach.  The mind map below lists some of the topics typical of a FlourishWell4Life @ Sport & Life curriculum.

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FlourishWell4Life @ Work

The following FlourishWell4Life workshops aim to empower everybody in the workplace to purposefully and energetically flourish well for life with strength, style and character:

  1. How to Be Happy at Work
  2. My Personality and My Work
  3. Knowing My Strengths at Work
  4. Values and Goals at Work
  5. Finding Meaning at Work
  6. Positive Interactions at Work
  7. Get Energized for Work

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 Life is too short not to shine on your journey!