
12th Oppenheimer Research Conference

Randjesfontein Cricket Pavilion

South Africa

The Oppenheimer Research Conference  brings together select individuals and organisations operating and/or interested in the fields of natural and environmental science.

It offers a uniquely diverse and multi-disciplinary programme, that takes the form of plenaries, presentations, results presentations, posters, and panel discussions.

The conference contributes to the conservation of ecosystems, biodiversity, and heritage by creating this inclusive and encouraging platform for quality presentations, discussions, networking, and collaboration.

AWEI at OCR 2023

Several AWEI colleagues and fellows will be at the conference and are looking forward to engaging with the other participants.


A Wildlife Economy Journey through OCR 2023 

Wildlife economies – How do we grow inclusive economies that enable both the use and preservation of ecosystems for future generations?

Be sure to attend the following presentations and view the following posters:

Day 1: Wed 04 Oct 2023

12:25 – 12:55  
Wildlife trade policy and the rhino conservation economy  
Mr Michael 't Sas-Rolfes (AWEI Fellow)

14:30 – 14:45  
Putting biodiversity on the decision-making map: Building a Biodiversity Intactness Index for Africa Results   
Dr Hayley Clements (AWEI Senior Research)

15:00 – 15:15  
Eating wild meat for the restoration of African landscapes and sustainable livelihoods  
Dr Wiseman Ndlovu (AWEI Postdoc Fellow and Programmes Manager)

Day 2: Thu 05 Oct 2022

08:30 – 09:00  
Harnessing the value of Africa’s ecological assets for sustainable development: The case of forests and tree-based landscapes  
Dr Doris Mutta (African Forest Forum Senior Programme Officer)

11:00 – 11:15  
Certifying wildlife enterprise  
Dr Francis Vorhies (AWEI Director)

15:15 – 15:30  
Rewilding for improved soil carbon sequestration in Africa  
Mr Matthew Child (SANBI & Rewild Capital)

16:00 – 17:00  
Panel discussion – Reinventing the future  
Youth perspectives including Ms Savanna Strauss (AWEI Junior Operations Officer)

Day 3: Fri 06 Oct 2023

09:00 – 09:30  
Financing biodiversity conservation – are we putting our money where our mouths are?  
Dr Odirilwe Selomane (University of Pretoria Senior Lecturer)

12:00 – 12:15  
Managing African ecosystems for biodiversity and carbon  
Dr Guy Midgley (Stellenbosch University School for Climate Studies)


Leveraging technology for transparency: Advancing data quality in southern Africa's trophy hunting sector  
Dr Alexander Chidakel (University of Florida) and Dr Brian Child (AWEI Board Member)

The value chain of legal game meat in Zambia: An exploration of challenges and opportunities  
Ms Choolwe Luwamya (University of Zambia)

Namibia's nature-based tourism: Balancing conservation, 22 commerce and community development  
Ms Clarence Ntesa and Mr Tendai Nzuma (Namibia University of Science and Techology)

Public perceptions of trophy hunting are pragmatic, not dogmatic  
Dr Darragh Hare and Dr Amy Dickman (University of Oxford WildCRU) et al

Fusing community engagement, tangible outputs and impactful research: The case of sustainable tourism in the Marico Biosphere Reserve  
Elricke Botha, Nicolene Conradie and Dorothy Queiros (University of South Africa)

A Biodiversity Investment Ratings Agency for Africa  
Dr Mike Musgrave (AWEI Fellow), Devang Vussonji, and Ravinder Sikand

Ecosystem restoration  
Mr Reinhard Nyandire (AWEI Fellow) and Janet Kemboi 

Contributions of wildlife-based tourism to conservation and livelihoods: A case of wildlife management areas in northern Tanzania  
Mr Salum Kulunge (Tanzania Wildlife Authority) et al

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