The CGA is saying farewell to two members of staff this month: GIS & EO Analyst, Divan Vermeulen, who has been with the CGA for more than 10 years, and to GIS & EO Operator, Christiaan Theron, who has worked with us since 2017.

Divan is leaving to take up a position as a Developer and GIS Specialist at Kartoza. It has been a great pleasure working with Divan and we would like to thank him for his time and dedication to the CGA. He has been a valuable employee, integral to the research and development of the SUDEM, DEMSA2, Western Cape Flood Hazard Index, automated machine learning and statistical analyses of remote sensing in agriculture, scripted acquisition, preprocessing and analysis of satellite imagery, as well as contributing to countless other GIS and EO projects.

Christiaan is leaving to take up a position as GIS/Data Analyst at Agrimotion Consulting. Christiaan has also been a great pleasure to work with, and we would also like to thank him for his time and dedication, especially his significant contributions to the research and development of the TerraClim database and the workflow scripting for the National Coastal Assessment and Coastal Vulnerability Index with the CSIR and DFFE.

Divan, Christiaan, we wish you all the best as you embark on your new endeavours. Pop around to the office for a coffee any time.
