1102, 2021

Using drone imagery and image segmentation techniques to automatically delineate individual apple trees

By |Feb 11th, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on Using drone imagery and image segmentation techniques to automatically delineate individual apple trees

Drone imagery is often used to calculate vegetation indices such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to characterize the condition of individual trees in orchards. Individual trees are often defined as a centroid (centre of the [...]

1609, 2020

TerraClim – StoryMap

By |Sep 16th, 2020|Categories: News|Comments Off on TerraClim – StoryMap

  We are progressing well with the TerraClim project, and major milestone in the efficiency and accuracy of interpolations.The regional interpolation analysis divided the Western Cape study area into smaller regions using the local terrain [...]

408, 2020

Crop type mapping using LiDAR, Sentinel-2 and aerial imagery with machine learning algorithms

By |Aug 4th, 2020|Categories: News|Comments Off on Crop type mapping using LiDAR, Sentinel-2 and aerial imagery with machine learning algorithms

by Atman Prins The second experiment used the methods developed for the first experiment to perform a five-class classification. The five classes consisted of maize, cotton, groundnuts, orchards and non-agriculture. Sentinel-2 and aerial imagery [...]

2907, 2020

CITRII – Burgersford Citrus Orchards

By |Jul 29th, 2020|Categories: News|Comments Off on CITRII – Burgersford Citrus Orchards

This video is a flyover showing the results of a satellite image (WorldView-2 dated 15 March 2020) analysis of a citrus orchard draped over the Digital Elevation Model of South Africa at [...]

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