106, 2021

Farewell to Divan and Christiaan

By |Jun 1st, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on Farewell to Divan and Christiaan

The CGA is saying farewell to two members of staff this month: GIS & EO Analyst, Divan Vermeulen, who has been with the CGA for more than 10 years, and to GIS & EO Operator, Christiaan Theron, who has worked with us since 2017. [...]

1703, 2021

Farewell to GIS & EO analyst Atman Prins

By |Mar 17th, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on Farewell to GIS & EO analyst Atman Prins

The CGA would like to say farewell to GIS & Earth Observation Analyst Atman Prins, who is leaving to take up a position in Dublin, Ireland. It has been a great pleasure working with [...]

1102, 2021

Using drone imagery and image segmentation techniques to automatically delineate individual apple trees

By |Feb 11th, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on Using drone imagery and image segmentation techniques to automatically delineate individual apple trees

Drone imagery is often used to calculate vegetation indices such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to characterize the condition of individual trees in orchards. Individual trees are often defined as a centroid (centre of the [...]

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