Current research interests and projects: Interests: Climate change impacts on tourism, Sustainable tourism and Women in tourism. Projects: 1. Participation in domestic leisure travel by township residents in Cape Town. 2. Book chapter: Domestic Leisure Tourism: Lessons Learnt From Township Business Operators During the COVID-19 Pandemic Era
Selected publication 1: Dube, C. 2018. Community participation in the management of South Africa’s protected areas. African Journal of Hospitality and Leisure, 7(2). ISSN: 2223-814x
Selected publication 2: Dube, C. & Muresherwa, G. 2019. Tourism to the Table Mountain National Park: Community beneficiation. Proceedings of the 9th ROGE Conference proceedings 8&9 July 2019), UK: University of Oxford.
Selected publication 3: Ndzumo, P., Spencer, J.P., Muresherwa, G. & Dube, C.N. 2021. Cape Town’s Township Tourism: A Case Study of Langa. Paper presented at the 4th International conference on tourism Research (ICTR21), School of Hospitality and Tourism, Polytechnical Institute of Porto, Vila do Conde, Portugal, 2021 May.
Selected publication 4: Spencer, J.; Amony, I. & Dube, C. 2020. The Impacts of Mountain Gorilla Tourism in Uganda: Can Participating Stakeholders Benefit?
Selected publication 5: Muresherwa, G., Amony, A., Gervase, I. & Dube, C. 2020. The impact of mountain gorilla tourism: A residents’ perspective. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 9(2) - ISSN: 2223-814X