Department/Unit: Mathematics & Computer Science in School of Science & Technology
Qualifications: PhD (Comp. Sc.), MSc. (Comp. Sc.), PG.Dip. (Comp. Sc.), B.Ed. (Sc.)
PhD Institution: University of Nairobi
PhD dissertation title: Modelling and Analysing a Computer-Mediated Learning System
Current research interests and projects: • Optimisation of availability of data and applications: Extending e-government services to counties over low-cost bandwidth-constrained networks using cloud computing architectures. • Mobile applications and Ubiquitous Computing: Explore applications that will address literacy constraints to accessing ICT solutions and services. • ICT and Education: Collaborating with the Commission for University Education in researching further on Integration of e-learning into the teaching and learning processes (see for latest work at )
Selected publication 1: Otieno I., Omwenga, E. I. (2015). E-Waste Management in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 6(12), 661-666. Retrieved from (ISSN)2079-8407
Selected publication 2: Ireri, Bonface N., Omwenga, Elijah I., Oboko, Robert O. & Wario, R. (2016b). Developing Pedagogical Skills for Teachers: A Learner Centered Approach for Technology Supported Instruction. In J. Keengwe, & G. Onchwari (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Active Learning and the Flipped Classroom Model in the Digital Age. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9680-8.ch006.
Selected publication 3: Owigar, Judith A., Omwenga, Elijah I. (2016). User-Centric Evaluation of Government of Kenya Online Services: The Case of iTax. International Journal of Computer Applications, x(y), p1-p2 (ISSN) 0975 – 8887. Reference
Selected publication 4: Omwenga, E. I., Rodrigues A. J. (March 2006). Towards an Education Evaluation Framework: Synchronous and Asynchronous E-learning Cases. Journal of the Research Centre for Educational Technology, Kent,
Selected publication 5: Omwenga, E.I., Waema, T.M., Eisendrath, G.P.C., & Libotton A. (2005). Development and Application of an Objectives-Driven Econtent Structuring and Deployment Model (ODC-SDM), African Journal of Science and Technology (AJST), Science and Engineering Series 6(1), pp 45-50.
Selected publication 6: Omwenga, E., Waema, T., & Wagacha, P. (June 2004). A model for introducing and implementing e-learning for delivery of educational content within the African context. African Journal of Sciences and Technology 5(1) 35-48.
Selected publication 7: Omwenga, Elijah I., Mbithi, Peter M. F., Muthama, John N., & Mwarabu, John C. (2021). A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in African Universities. International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, 10(8), 208-212. Doi: 10.7753/IJCATR1008.1002
Selected publication 8: Hadullo, K., Oboko, R. and Omwenga, E. (2017). A model for evaluating e-learning systems quality in higher education in developing countries. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT [Online], 13(2). Available:
Selected publication 9: Omwenga, E. I., Gakuu, C. M., Oboko, R. O., Kidombo, H. J., Mbwesa, J. K., Waiganjo, P. W. & Libotton, A. (2016). Quality Indicator Framework for Assessing DEel Programs in Kenya: A Technological and Educational Functional Parameters Approach. Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 7(4), 191-199. Retrieved from (ISSN) 2079-8407
Selected publication 10: Ireri, B. N., & Omwenga, E. I. (2016a). Mobile Learning: A Bridging Technology of Learner Entry Behavior in a Flipped Classroom Model. In J. Keengwe, & G. Onchwari (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Active Learning and the Flipped Classroom Model in the Digital Age (pp. 106-121). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9680-8.ch006. Retrieved from
Capstone assignment title: PhD supervision in Africa: A review of Strategies for the 21st Century
Capstone assignment abstract: The contribution of Doctorate Education to the Knowledge economy of a country cannot be over emphasized. Besides being an elite academic achievement for scholars, higher education is argued to contribute to economic development. The demand for doctorate has continued to grow and yet paradoxically the absorption rate for these PhDs has not marched the market slots. This review takes a critical look at the foundations of PhD education and supervision in Africa and draws examples from around the world.