Department/Unit: School of Education
Qualifications: Ph.D. Curriculum Studies Applied in Agriculture Education
PhD Institution: Stellenbosch University
PhD dissertation title: The Perceived Competencies and Needs of Secondary School Agricultural Science Teachers in the Zambezi Region, Namibia
Current research interests and projects: Selected publication 1: Mashebe Percy Mashebe and Africa Zulu (2022) Self-Concept, Gender and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Learners in Agricultural Science in the Zambezi Region, Namibia, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 3, pp., 101-114,
Selected publication 2: Mashebe Percy Mashebe and Africa Zulu (2022) Investigating the link between Self-Concept and Job Performance of Agricultural Science Teachers in selected Secondary Schools in Namibia’s Zambezi Region, International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, Vol. 10, No.5, pp.3343.
Selected publication 3: P. Mashebe, J. Abah and A. Zulu (2015). Communal farmers’ perceptions on the use of indigenous knowledge in controlling ticks and tick-borne disease (Anaplasmosis) in cattle: a case of Katima rural constituency, Zambezi region Namibia, Scientific Journal of Animal Science , (11) 155-162, doi: 10.14196/sjas.v4i11.2039.
Selected publication 4: P. Mashebe, A. Jordaan, A. Zulu and A. Kanyimba (2016). The Impact of Flooding on the Livelihood of People Living In the Luhonono Area in the Zambezi Region, Namibia, British Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4 (2) 1-9.
Selected publication 5: P. Mashebe, J.R. Lyaku and F. Mausse (2014). Occorerence of Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases of Livestock in Zambezi Region: A Review, Journal of Agricultural Science, 6 (2) 141-149.
Selected publication 6: Verner, V. N., Kandjeo-Marenga, H. U., Abah, J., & Mashebe, P. (2022). Challenges Affecting Grade 12 Learners Performance in O’Level Biology in //Kharas Region, Namibia. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10, 60-78.
Selected publication 7: Haufiku, I., Mashebe,P., & Abah, J. (2022). Teaching Challenges of English Second Language Teachers in Senior Secondary Schools in the Ohangwena Region, Namibia. Creative Education, 13, 1941-1964.
Selected publication 8: M. N. N. Ndjangala, J. Abah, P. Mashebe (2021). Teachers’ views on challenges affecting learners’ performance in natural science. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 10 (1) 48~56 ISSN: 2252-8822, DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i1.20732
Selected publication 9: Silas, T., Abah, J. Mashebe, P. (2019). Challenges preventing science teachers from performing natural science practical works in selected primary schools in the Oshana region, Namibia, International Journal of Education, Learning and Development 7(3), 63-74.
Selected publication 10: J. Abah, P. Mashebe and D. D. Denuga (2013). The Learning Challenges and Pedagogical Perspective in a Complex Education System, Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning, 1(5): 311-316.
Capstone assignment abstract: This capstone assignment discusses the importance of the student-supervisor relationship that improves doctoral students’ studies at my university1. This capstone assignment will further address supervision as a component in the success of a doctoral student. The main purpose of this capstone assignment is to provide information to African Universities regarding the importance of the student-supervisor relationship that is necessary for the students (PhDs) to successfully complete their doctoral projects within 2-3 years. Supervision is, therefore, defined as a face-to-face positive relationship between the student and the supervisor with a clear purpose of enhancing the student's research completion within a particular timeframe of the studies. In this capstone assignment, the following are discussed: the student-supervisor relationship, why it is important, what is currently happening in my university, and what I will do differently. The conclusion is therefore drawn from what the capstone assignment have discussed with much emphasis on the student-supervisor relationship aiming at minimizing student dilemma during their doctoral journey.