TUGUME, Patience (Dr)
Makerere University
Plant Sciences, Microbiology & Biotechnology
Doctor of Philosophy MSc. Botany (Plant pathology & Microbiology) MBA (Accounting & Finance) BSc (Botany/Zoology) Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU) Natural Products Research of Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) International Society of Ethnobiologists (ISE)
PhD Institution:
Makerere University
PhD country:
PhD dissertation title:
Economic valuation of non-timber forest products and recreational benefits from Mabira Central Forest Reserve, Uganda
Current research interests and projects:

-Natural resource economics -Climate change mitigation and adaptation -Urban greening -Ethnobotany -Eco-business management

Selected publication 1:
Ssenku, J.E., Okurut, S.A., Namuli, A., Kudamba, A., Tugume, P., Matovu, P., Wasige, G., Kafeero, H.M., & Walusansa, A.(2022). Medicinal plant use, conservation, and the associated traditional knowledge in rural communities in Eastern Uganda. Trop Med Health 50, 39 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41182-022-00428-1
Selected publication 2:
Anywar, G., Tugume, P., & Kakudidi, E. K. (2021). A review of Aloe species used in traditional medicine in East Africa. South African Journal of Botany.
Selected publication 3:
Mucunguzi, P., Tugume, P., & Ogola, L. (2021). Environmental Management by Faith Based Organizations in Uganda: A SWOT Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy, 9(1), 5.
Selected publication 4:
Tugume, P., & Nyakoojo, C. (2020). Traditional use of wild edible plants in the communities adjacent to Mabira Central Forest Reserve, Uganda. Ethnobotany Research & Applications, 20:15
Selected publication 5:
Tugume P., & Nyakoojo, C. (2019). Ethno-pharmacological survey of herbal remedies used in the treatment of paediatric diseases in Buhunga parish, Rukungiri District, Uganda. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 19.253 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12906-019-2763-6.
Selected publication 6:
Tugume, P., Buyinza, M., & Kakudidi, E.K. (2019). Creating awareness of the value of Non timber forest products to rural communities around Mabira Central Forest Reserve, Uganda. Forestry Ideas 25 No.1(57): 119-135.
Selected publication 7:
Nambejja, C., Tugume, P., Nyakoojo, C., & Kamatgenesi-Mugisha, M. (2019). Medicinal plant species used in the treatment of skin diseases in Katabi Sub-County, Wakiso District, Uganda. Ethnobotany Research & Applications 18:20
Selected publication 8:
Tugume, P., Buyinza, M., & Kakudidi, E.K. (2019). Non-Timber Forest Products Markets: Actors and Income determinants. Journal of Forestry, 6:1-19.
Selected publication 9:
Tugume, P., Buyinza, M., Namaalwa, J., Kakudidi,E.K., Mucunguzi, P., Kalema,J., & Kamatenesi, M. (2016). Non timber forest products trade and community livelihoods around Mabira Central Forest Reserve, Uganda. Journal of Agricultural Studies, Vol.4 (4): 1-13. Doi :10.5296/jas.V4i4.9482.
Selected publication 10:
Tugume, P., Kakudidi, E.K., Buyinza,M., Namaalwa, J., Kamatenesi, M., Mucunguzi, P. & Kalema, J. (2016). Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plant species used by communities around Mabira Central Forest Reserve, Uganda. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 12:5 DOI 10.1186/s13002-015-0077-4.
Capstone assignment title:
None submitted
Capstone assignment abstract:

None submitted